Reviews for Emmett's Lament
Winterluna chapter 1 . 6/21/2010
I thought this was a lot more mature than your other stories, and I cried during it, which is a change. I don't think that Rosalie could be that supportive that easily, even of Emmett. I just always thought of her as a cold character to everyone.

I didn't see any clerical or grammatical errors, which is good.

Well done throughout,

Lady Dragona chapter 1 . 4/6/2010
I love how tender this story is. I love that you took the time to tell about Emmett's past and build him more of a relationship with Rose and his lost friend.
Aille chapter 1 . 10/25/2009
Okay, so I couldn't go to sleep before I read this. It was sad and sweet at the same time. He tried to save his best friend, and really, I agree with Rose, if he hadn't done the CPR, if he hadn't pulled his friend out of the water, than he would have died sooner. At least his parents got the chance to be with him in the end.

It was very sweet that Emmett keeps going back to remember and that Rose goes with him. Lovely.

I also really liked how you worked in the bear, so we get a reason as to why he was wrestling the bear.
katmom chapter 1 . 10/24/2009
If Emmett hadn't brought Gary up, his family wouldn't have had those last moments with him...

And then he wouldn't have gone back to the lake...and met Rose!

This was a nice look into Emmett's caring nature...

Thanks for sharing!

AstridMikaelson chapter 1 . 10/23/2009
loved it hope you do another maybe a Jasper/Alice one? anyway loved the story great job.