Reviews for Justice for the Count
EdgeofSomething chapter 1 . 2/9/2012
Really great story!
SookieEriclover chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
please continue the story i love it sooo much!
SookieEriclover chapter 1 . 8/18/2010
please please oh please do a continuation...I LOVE THIS FF!
vikinglover elle chapter 1 . 12/3/2009
Simba you did not disappoint with this one. I loved it. Can't wait for the continuation of this and your other oneshots. This one I really can't wait for though. I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen with the killer. Awesome, awesome job. Please keep em coming!
hannah09 chapter 1 . 12/2/2009
Great story! I loved it.

I finally managed to read this last night, before the closing of the voting, but I forgot to leave you a review. Silly me!

Your story is amazing. I loved the tension between those two crazy kids and you had me on the edger of my seat, biting my nails out, during the entire chase and fight.

Plus, Lafayette's Fabama outfit was freaking hilarious and Eric's line 'I have a swoord too' was fantastic.

Awesome job! Thanks for posting!
natasha874 chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
great story. loved it.
sapfirerose chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
Love love LOVE this story! There are so many potentials and angles in this story. TA Eric started reminding me of that sexy Professor Northman from HOFOF but with a more humorous side to him. The chemistry between Eric and Sookie was HOT! To be in that class room when they are firing off at each other ... and to see Eric's reaction when she threw his family in his face.

Speaking of which, I have to say this is another story I wouldn't mind catching a glimpse from Eric's point of view .. I mean I'm not trying to be a "begging reviewer" at all but ... seeing how you wanted it to end would be awesome.

And the story line was so unique. I don't think I could fully compare it to anything I read on fanfic yet. So anything I read like this will now forever remind me of "Justice for the Count".
NelBearPig chapter 1 . 11/21/2009
I think this story is great Thanks for talking about Lenin I have a paper to do for him and I've been procrastinating and your story was very helpful.
sunkisz chapter 1 . 11/20/2009
This fic had me on the edge of my seat, literally. It reminded me of how big of a baby I am watching scary I was so afraid they would die, since in those movies everyone does. So glad Eric and Sookie didn't though *winks*
Blue fantaisie chapter 1 . 11/19/2009
I had missed that story but fortunately the jury didn't! I thought it was about Count Dracula and left it aside. What a moron! It's rare to be overwhelmed by such a vocabular quality. The hunt was impressive too. You deserve any vote you will receive. Mine is yours.
Qtlex chapter 1 . 11/19/2009
Simba! As usual you have impressed me with your way with words and lemons LOL!
Suzapalooza chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
This was a really well written and just plain awesome story! I was drawn in quickly and completely!

Loved that Sookie and Eric both masked their like of the other with complete disdain. Ha! So them!
tradermare chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
Simba, great story! I was looking for your musical inspiration and you didn't let me down! For some reason, Colonel Victor Madden (the name) made me laugh. Loved the exciting ending.
nycsnowbird chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
This would have been a good AH story even without a Halloween backdrop to set it against. I figured you were going to make the serial killer Bill Compton ... but Victor works just as nicely.

A lot of the theory Eric and Sookie are taking sides over was lost on me as I took coursework at college that was a lot less intensive. I envy you, though, because you learn argumentation in these sorts of studies and it's an art few, unless trained, are very good at.

LOVED the inclusion of Lafayette into the story. He always adds a good spin. His Fabama outfit sounds so in character.

I enjoyed, too, the tension you wrote between Eric and Sookie that comes to a climatic realization they are both hot for each other.

“I have a sword too,” Sookie threatened, lifting a plastic sword."

LOL. Just the idea of her brandishing it as if it would protect her from Eric.

Thank you!
svmaddict chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
AWESOME! You combined the genres just great! Both the sexual tension betweeb Eric and Sookie and the general sense of uneasyness (a serial killer tends to have that effect) were palpable. It had me hold my breath till the last word -well, not exactly it was a long reading but you get the point ;)



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