Reviews for Plunge
lovelyAnn chapter 1 . 10/12/2010
soooo cuuutee 3333 i love ittt *w* they look sooo good together :D
Explorer of the Unknown chapter 1 . 11/20/2009
This was great! You can hardly ever find a good Commonershipping fic. Nice!
cyanidesmirk chapter 1 . 11/11/2009
I love Commonershipping, and I love this fanfic. I admit the characters seem a, but we haven't really got into the heads of these characters in the DP arc, so this is forgivable.

Yay for Dia~
Shadow Star.EXE chapter 1 . 11/5/2009
CommonerShipping! That gets an automatic gold star in my book.

I haven't actually made it to the DPPt series yet myself, but I've studied the bios on Serebii. So that's enough for me. I couldn't tell you if they were OOC or not, though.

MOVING ON. The entire thing made me giggle. Dia's clumsiness was cute and I love how Platina acted like it was perfectly okay. The ending was my favourite part, though. ;D

You write a good CommonerShipping. Nice work! No complaints on my end and no mistakes really jump out at me. Keep it up!