Reviews for Banished Silence
Itsupiki Okami chapter 1 . 2/21/2014
I think I've read this story before you decided to rewrite it and it sounds very similar. I can't wait to read the rewrite so I can find out if it was the same story as before :)
IchigoStrawberryLollipop chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
when will you update for new script? i can't wait to re-readed this story again... .

i'll wait for alert
dreamingwandererofthelight chapter 4 . 12/25/2012
this was really good! pelase continue!
MoonJewel chapter 4 . 7/4/2012
When will you update? :(
IWishIWasACheescake chapter 4 . 6/29/2012
Nightmare Zane chapter 4 . 2/5/2012
Keep going, keep going. I want to know what happens next...
LibertyBell.047 chapter 4 . 1/7/2012
love your story so far,!

i hope you update soon;)
CAELandTAiyo chapter 4 . 11/19/2011
I love this story, so fucking asshole are thos elders I just wish to be able to twist their necks and ..(rant).. that part was arranged by my beta so nevermind it! XD! LOVE YA! LUNA!
xenawp532 chapter 4 . 11/15/2011
This is a great story and I'm really looking forward to the next chapter
TechnoAngelprincess chapter 4 . 11/14/2011
wow that pretty good sfar i cant wait to see what happens next
saya420 chapter 4 . 11/14/2011
great story and im really looking forward to the next chapter to come out, so until then ja ne.
Fireotaku18 chapter 4 . 11/14/2011
Oh shit! What the hell happened to Naruto!
LoonyLaLuna chapter 4 . 11/13/2011
You know... I don't know whether to thank or hate you... this was my first yaoi story...and now I can barely read het. You turned me into a yaoi fangirl! By the way I do like this revamped version but I'm afraid that a few of the names are unfamiliar namely Kaito and Hiko. Who are they? Are they in the actual series or OC's?
siarafaerie-101-miss chapter 4 . 11/13/2011
it's not finished yet aye? anyway it's fantastic i hope to see more :)
L.Maurel chapter 11 . 11/6/2011

as I already told you, your translation was wrong. I took some a few minutes to look something up which is at least remotely correct:

ナルトは 自分辞しで 僕の (俺の) 前だけ 話せます。

Literal translation going with each group of signs and reading transcript:

Regarding Natuto [Naruto ha]

compleatly alone [jibunjishi de]

I (in this case rather my) [boku no]

(This is an alternative for I, thought one has to be rather selfabsorbed to use it and it may not fit the character reading: ore no)

infront only [mae dake]

can speak [hanasemasu].

The actual translation would be:

Naruto can only speak when compleatly alone in front of me (meaning: in my presence).

I'd propably ad:

ここから [kokokara] You'd insert it before Nartuto and it means as much as: From here onwards. It referes to either time or place making the whole sentence:

ここから ナルトは 自分辞しで 僕の 前だけ 話せます。

[kokokara narutowa jibunjishide bokuno maedake hanasemasu.]

For bether reading an unserstanding:

Koko kara Naruto wa jibunjishi de boku no mae dake hanasemasu.

From this point on Naruto can only speak when compleatly alone in my presence.

If some one reads this who has a bether understanding of Japanese than myself please check if one has to ad another verb because I'm not 100% sure about that. As for the verb I'd propably ad some form of いる. Also, I know at least one more way to express this in Japanese.

Well, thanks for reading so far and any help you might provide.

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