Reviews for The Gentle Breeze and Sturdy Earth
Demi-auxilo-casisinidasocial chapter 17 . 6/12
Hey are you still on Tumblr
Guest chapter 1 . 10/24/2019
Well.. the plot is interesting but toph is so out of character that i dont known who is that guy
sierra chapter 14 . 3/11/2016
hey why don't you do one with the oldest child? aion? (sorry cant see the name!) and how shes older and having a family of her own (someone like toph, whose strong yet gentle like a big teddy bear!) and also she meets korra! and teaches her airbending (along with her brother!)
fannut chapter 17 . 10/18/2015
Have you thought about writing a chapter about one of their children inheriting Toph's blindness? And maybe they are an air bender and not an earth bender so Toph wouldn't be able to teach them how to 'see' and he would know what it might have felt like for his parents to be in a position where they didn't know how to help their child who they only see as helpless. (a slimier situation happened to my friend who was borne deaf and resented her parents for babying her and holding her back, only to understand when her son was borne with no legs)
sierra.stanley.52 chapter 17 . 10/4/2015
i totally love your stories! its so cute! can i make a request? Pretty please?

well i was wondering if you could make a one-shot of when Toph and Aang first met (at the pro-bending fight?) and how toph first remembered meeting her? also with the fight and everything? pretty please!
RukaRukia chapter 1 . 10/4/2015
What happened to the chapters o.o
Kei-kei Yuki chapter 16 . 9/25/2015
OMG! This was so sweet, and adorable! Awesome job!
Aiar chapter 16 . 9/3/2015
upload more!
WikiSorcerer chapter 14 . 8/19/2015
Any chance that we get a linear fanfic during the events of Legend of Korra that takes place in this universe? It would make a fascinating thought-experiment I would think.
The Delta 42 chapter 14 . 8/19/2015
Love the chapter, please update sooner than before, I don't want to wait half a year for another chapter. I'm addicted to this story.
The Delta 42 chapter 12 . 8/18/2015
Hi, I'm writing a story where Korra and Amon are Genderbent and I was wondering if I could use Aang's and Toph's children in my story, It'd be a massive AU and Toph and Aang will be Genderbent.
guardianofdragonlore chapter 13 . 2/25/2015
I love little kids PoVs they're. So. Fluffy.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
I love the title of your story! It's perfect!
Kaoupa chapter 12 . 11/22/2014
I'm guessing this is now discontinued, but I have a suggestion... an AU where Suyin is an airbender, and Korra is shown meeting all of Aang and Toph's kids? Please?
goldenrock chapter 12 . 7/22/2014
Omg I love these you should make moarrrr!
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