Reviews for Window of Opportunity
Kholen Phantomine chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
Heroin, not crack, and Roger, not Rodger, but I'm sure you've heard that a thousand times. It was really good, it was well in character, and it was entertaining, which is always good. I appreciated it. Well done.
The Ultimate Person chapter 1 . 11/7/2009
This was rather . . . uh . . . interesting? Yes, very interesting. Mark's life really is just one piece of crap. There could of been way more added to that, but this is ok. I don't know much about druggies. All I know is that when they go through withdrawl some thing like "CRACK MAN! WHERE THE F CKS THE CRACK! AS2DKLFA3SJH4HKLFAFDN,MF6ASDNA7KL!" happens and then they spontaniously combust . . . or something like that. Nice description of Mark's near death experience. Especially what was going on in his brain. "No sh!t sherlock." "For once, he was glad that his mom was an amazing knitter." Real nice. Hope you continue. Maybe un-ravel some more of the "Crappy Life of Mark Cohan." Favoritizing.