Reviews for and she wore it like a trainwreck
Guest chapter 1 . 8/10/2016
wow this is an amazing piece of work :) i have never shipped this pair but you have completely converted me :)

everyone is in IC and I love how Sakura believes in Uryu :)

detailed descriptions of characters made me smile :)
Anna chapter 1 . 2/24/2016
This fanfic is very interesting , it is very hard to find fanfic of Uryƫ and Sakura..mas his story is so good and I read the first part and just wanted to read, read and read ... beautiful congratulations ... very loved .. .kisses
Kynah chapter 1 . 12/31/2015
This is fantastic. Absolutely beautiful.
Los Grotos chapter 1 . 3/31/2015
I'm going to be imagining this pairing for the near future. My goodness. Teir relationship was really cooperative and built on genuinely helping each other. I like it.
LeonaMasha chapter 1 . 6/12/2013
Huh. This is nice. Really, I've been reading nothing but angst without really looking for it and then this came along and it's just a perfect blend of real life. Thanks.
Skyrere chapter 1 . 12/3/2012
very nicely done. :D
Seynee chapter 1 . 11/2/2010
Never thought of this pairing before, but I love this. Somehow, it makes a lot of sense. ;)
Charles chapter 1 . 10/3/2010
I don't like crossovers, as a matter of fact I hate them, they make no sense, are almost always silly, unoriginal, and are usually created just to satisfy the craving of mixing two random things one may or may not like

I can't help but ABSOLUTELY LOVE this one, however, because it makes sense, it is fresh, new and unique, well written, perfectly executed and masterfully brought to life within the reader's mind

This one is great, keep on like this
darkness of the blue moon chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
I love this story. I love it so much, whenever I'm going through the archive, I stop to read it. Great job. .
Scarlet Amaranth chapter 1 . 6/30/2010
Sakura and Isshida...

It actually works. Loved it!
Duzzie chapter 1 . 4/10/2010
Possibly the most creative crossover I've ever read.

Definitely one of the very best.

It was great. I don't know too much about Bleach, but I know quite enough about the characters. And Sakura is my favorite character in Naruto. It was a great read. Well written, interesting and fun. What a great fleshed out idea, but few could have done it so well.

I loved it.

It makes me want more :3
rawrchelle chapter 1 . 4/10/2010
i usually don't read crossovers. usually because they're badly written or executed. but this - wow. (and i don't even like bleach that much - imagine that.)

i like how you tied in how ishida went to sakura's world. for one, it made sense and he didn't just randomly appear. and i have absolutely no complaints about the characterization, either. sakura was - well, sakura - and i've never written good bleach fanfiction so i can't call on you for ishida but he just seems so *right*.

and how their relationship slowly progresses - it's just great! she doesn't jump him just because he might resemble sasuke a little. and i loved the last paragraph in part 4 - oh, it's just absolutely beautiful, because that's ishida's essence; all of who he is.

this is just so, so lovely. thank you for writing this.
Nomannic chapter 1 . 2/13/2010
This is one of two crossover fics I've EVER read. And you made it completely worth it.

While it was one of the most bizarre pairings... it fit. 0.o

I liked it very much, it was very sweet, very romantic, and it had a great ending. Thank you.
Delicate Desires chapter 1 . 1/30/2010
Awh! This was so cute! You've made this pairing sound so adorable. (: It was the first Ishida x Sakura I've read, ahah.
Zelha chapter 1 . 1/30/2010
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