Reviews for Catherine's OneShot Spectacular!
Kella Toh chapter 8 . 8/8/2010
I love this! I've been trying to do a story in Butch POV, but I can't EXACTLY match his level of douchiness. He can be sweet sometimes... Maybe... Under the right circumstances...

Okay, screw it, you've matched his douche level and I fail. DON'T JUDGE ME! T_T
PanhandledJello chapter 8 . 6/30/2010
I particularly love this chapter simply because you perceive Butch so well! Bravo! I have read the other chapters and thought you did a fantastic job on the characters! Your writing flows well and I really enjoyed reading it!
Cuckoo-4-Cocoa-Puffs chapter 8 . 6/26/2010
I love these, Hope to see more soon.
Kantata chapter 6 . 11/19/2009
Oh my GOD, I knew that saving all of these chapters to read was the right decision. It was like POW, six presents all at once! I kept getting all these notices in my inbox and I was like, "Nope, gotta save 'em til I'm done or I'm going to want to write like Rum".

I laughed my ass off at Butch trying to pay Cat back in haircuts. And the idea of the LW starting her illustrious career off as a pedicurist, working next to Butch in the salon? Priceless!

I love how rough and tumble Cat is, how she just refuses to cry or show that anything's gotten to her. I imagine that's served her really well out in the Wastes. Haha, Butch showing his sensitive side and still trying to be all manly about it. She totally won that round.

Also, I have to say I was surprised and pleased at the way you portrayed Amata. I think we (all of us) tend to villify her after the choices she makes at the end, forgetting that she grew up with the LW and wasn't always an Overseer making difficult decisions. Beautifully done.

Fic writers definitely don't have lives so I expect to see some new chapters up soon, you got that? *bangs fist on desk* I mean, you know, please.
DrinkMePlease chapter 1 . 11/18/2009
I think that you should have her run into one of the LWs of the past that escaped from another vault.