Reviews for An Offering of Love
StrawberryStoleYourCookie chapter 1 . 9/20/2011
That is...demented and insane. I love it! Does that mean there's something wrong with me? Probably.

Excellent job! Poor, crazy Christine...Very unique idea :)
Kali Rose chapter 1 . 6/7/2011
That last line was such a "holy crap!" moment, let me tell you... Excellent job! This story was just wonderfully morbid.
Angel1256 chapter 1 . 8/6/2010
Albert! This was amazing! Holy cow-I had to read it several times to fully grasp what happened...WOW! That's so wonderfully morbid! (It was poor Raoul's head...right?) I kinda can actually imagine Christine doing such a thing...anything to please her beloved Angel. I also liked Erik here a lot! So haunting. By the nature of their dialogue, I'm guessing this is entirely Leroux based. The final line was so perfect and chilling too. I encourage you to change the genres to horror/romance! It def lives up to that. Amazing how you managed to take something so...gruesome and utterly tragic...and portrayed it as romantic, desperate, and sweet. ALbert, I'd really love for you to write a chapter phic (or at least a nice, lengthy oneshot). You understand the characters so well...and between what I have read here in this brief story, and all our wonderful messages, I know you'd write a MASTERPIECE. Xoxo!
BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope chapter 1 . 4/8/2010
A great story. Very well written.
Peele chapter 1 . 11/27/2009
Oh, creepy, disturbing...I love it! Who says Christine has to be a frail little female at the mercy of the men around her? And I loved the not-quite-saying-what-happened aspect, but the inference could clearly be made :)
JustBFree5 chapter 1 . 11/19/2009
LOL, it's all so innocent until that last line- good job ;)
Keyklee chapter 1 . 11/15/2009
Oh it's so great that you posted this story!

It's fantastic! So morbid and yet so sweet and romantic. The way you are able to combine these elements is amazing and very admirable.

I also love how descriptive it is, that you never really say what exactly happens and we learn it through sounds and descriptions mainly, that is awesome and it gives the story such an additional thrill I think.

Really an awesome job! I'm so glad you posted it here!
MadLizzy chapter 1 . 11/14/2009
I'm so happy to find that you've posted this drabble! It was my favorite from the birthday collection on TWS, and you had some tough competition. It is truly unforgettable.
Wandering-Recluse chapter 1 . 11/13/2009
Geez Albert! You didn't tell me you posted this on ? You should have told me! I had to learn this from Chapucera!

Anyway-I still stand on the view that this is an amazing story. And I did like the original version you know! You didn't have to change anything! Anyway-great job! Loved the part where Christine kills Raoul...heh heh...
Kaskaderade chapter 1 . 11/12/2009
whoah, this was nice! its intense, vivid, and a bit morbid. great job. (:
jlgrant chapter 1 . 11/11/2009
Oh, loved it! Wonderful writing, intense, vivid and original! Everything a tasty short story should be :)
Chapucera chapter 1 . 11/11/2009
LOL - What I love about this story is that its about both the heart...and the substance it pumps!

Erika Dyer chapter 1 . 11/11/2009
Wow! Was that Raoul she killed? and here I was expecting flufiness. That was amazing. So glad I managed to motivate you to post this lol. it's very compelling and gripping for so short a piece. Bravo!