Reviews for Wherever You Will Go
Hugh-R chapter 27 . 11/16/2019
Plot twist!
...I honestly can't say I didn't at all see this coming...
Then again, I have a scarily active imagination and am a fan of Fate/Stay Night.
Jag chapter 53 . 6/2/2017
I got bogged down for a little while in the start of the story by Mirai's angst but I'm really glad I stuck with it. A nice story. I'm a little sad there isn't more to the Koji and Mirai love but still a nice ending. Well done.
MarylandAngels chapter 53 . 5/28/2016
Awesome story! I really loved this and enjoyed everything I read. And also, by the way, did you know your Epilogue is also the 10th chapter? I'm not sure if you did that on purpose so I'm just tell that. Anyway, I want you to know you're an awesome writer. XD
Meteor Gin chapter 1 . 10/28/2015
Pick a language and stick with it
ThatRandomGirl90 chapter 53 . 7/13/2015
I LOVED this fanfic even if I was a bit late. I hope you make a sequel and soon! I look up to you and I love your work! I'm not quite the bookworm but this fanfic (although it seems like a book) was well worth it. I would come home from school wondering what Mirai did wrong this time...? Her feelings also reflected my own very well! I hope you continue to be my inspiration for years to come!

~the shy fox
13wolfsbane chapter 53 . 5/15/2015
Feels like so long ago when I first started reading your stories. The song at the end was a nostalgic and wonderful way the end this story. It seems that things have worked out for you throughout writing, and for that I'm glad. Though I feel ashamed that I ever forgot about this story and only recently gotten back into it. If you ever plan on writing more stories, fanfic or original, I will most definitely look forward to them.

Long review short (too late,) keep up the excellent work KH.
Guest chapter 53 . 2/22/2015
Just wanna say this was the best story I've ever read 3 I'll pro reread it again xD I felt like sometimes I could connect the character and know how she feels. I love this story.
Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967 chapter 53 . 1/1/2015
loved it
lightwolfheart chapter 53 . 1/1/2015
I, myself, am horrible at expressing what I actually wish to say, but I'm going to give it a shot anyway.

I just really want to say thank you; thank you for completing what has, in essence, travelled through my childhood as well. I started reading this when I was 15, fresh out of a bullying boarding school in a town I knew nothing about. This fanfic, this tale, of a girl struggling -perhaps not with exactly the same issues, butnstruggling nonetheless- with herself as I was doing was very grounding to me, in a way which only flights of fantasy can be. It relaxed and calmed me.

As an 18 year old (still recovering, admittedly) I can see not only how I've matured along side this fic, but I (beleive) I can fully appreciate how the fic has developed and -if I'm not wrong- how you've developed with it too. Every writing choice and (obviously) authors note tells a tale, if ones willing to listen

Perhaps I'm not the most loyal of readers; I've faded in and out and my reviews are as inconsistent as my courage but I have to reply to this chapter. Why?

Because it is completion.

Perhaps not the perfection that the 15 year old me was seeking, with joint hands and muffled compliments in tight embraces, but the concludion that the story -and, indeed, I- needed. Life isn't perfect, life isn't going to have all the awkwardness pushed aside from relationships after you get together or - I dunno- save the world! It'll still be a little awkward, interacting with people, but that's okay.

It's the completion needed.

But what I really wanted to say is thank you. Thank you for the tears running down my face, for the pure emotions you brought into my life with this fic.

As it is, I'm not sure I've said everything I want to, but then I'm not sure I can. I just hope you understand a tiny bit of how incredibly grateful I am for all your hard work and dedication. So, once more and for the final time;

Thank you!
Shiningheart of ThunderClan chapter 53 . 12/31/2014
Kouji Minamoto, you are an absolute dork and I fucking love you. XDD I have to admit dear, as sad as I am to see this officially completed, I have NEVER shipped these two more than at this moment. And that Kouji can both compose a song, write lyrics, AND play an instrument? Mirai, if you don't marry this boy, /I/ will.

Like I said last chapter, I don't know if you're planning on writing a sequel or not. And even if you are, I know you're stressed with school and life, so I'm willing to wait for the next masterpiece. I want to close out my last review for this by saying something cliche like, "SPIRIT EVOLUTION!" or something, but that would be lame.
Marten Voss chapter 53 . 12/31/2014
Well, I finished it. It took me waaayyy to long to read this (which I apologize for) but I'm glad I could )

I liked the ending (last chapter and epilogue) a lot. It was really sweet and uplifting and just all around made me feel happy inside )
Great job with this story, hon!
I'[m excited to see what else you have up your sleeve in the future )
Marten Voss chapter 49 . 12/31/2014
Wow...that was WAAAAYYYY more intense than I thought it was going to be. O_O

I listened to Safe & Sound at the end as I read the chapter. It was a very moving experience. Such a comforting song. Especially the last lines of the chapter, it was pretty emotional to read.
Marten Voss chapter 46 . 12/31/2014
Okay, there was one part where it was supposed to say 'Fractal code,' but it said 'Fractal Cod' and all I could think of was Peter Pan saying 'You're a codfish!' and cackling madly...
I have no explanation for this...
anieljesu.gonzalez chapter 53 . 12/31/2014
The Ending Is Really Fitting To This Story Great Work Sad To see It Over
Mirai.Hana chapter 53 . 12/31/2014
Ah, it's the end ;( but a happy end. This has been an amazing journey. I'm glad you write this story. (I've been thinking about writing one for a while but I can't seem to get motivated) But anyway, I'm glad to have found this story and stuck to it through and through. Amazing.

Have a Hapy New Year! And I hope to see what you have in store for us. Don't stop writing!
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