Reviews for PTSD
0anhonestpuck0 chapter 1 . 7/28/2016
This is absolutely perfect. Your portrayal of trauma is frightfully on point. I'm so sorry for the pain you must have lived through to have that kind of insight. But thank you for writing this.
A.V Storm chapter 1 . 8/3/2015
I read this in the dead of night the other day and didn't have time to review, but I thought I'd stop by this evening to tell you how much I really liked this. You did a great job of portraying PTSD. I have a mother who is a sufferer of such a disorder, so having it brought to life without romanticism is great. Kudos to you - thanks for the great Royai!
waddiwasiwitch chapter 1 . 10/19/2014
Oh wow! This is amazing and beautiful - so perfectly them. I have tears in my eyes just reading this. Again, I say WOW!
emachookie chapter 1 . 5/25/2013
The title really fits.. I like it. A lot. I'm assuming they are married? It was satisfying reading this :) Keep writing!
Bodacious Bovine chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
This is probably my favorite fanfic with these two. The realism and the realistic portrayal of PTSD was fantastic. It was well-written and beautifully done. Simply amazing.
uhuhuhuhuhuhu chapter 1 . 1/7/2012
Very, very beautifully done.

Definitely a fav.
Scentsy chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
I love it. In a sad way.

I wasn't sure exactly what to expect, because there are so many people who don't understand PTSD. Only they think they do. And they have it all wrong. They say, "Oh, that means they are depressed." But what is depression? They don't know. They say, "Oh, that means they are really sad." But it's more than that. It's worrying about little things that wouldn't even matter. It's becoming paranoid that something will happened every time you turn your head. It's never setting aside the traumatic things in your life, never moving on. Because they can't. They can't move on. It's not being sad. It's being sick. Mentally sick. They are haunted by their own conscience.

And you captured this perfectly. Because two sick, high maintenance people in a relationship isn't healthy. Because they need each other to take care of each other, yet, take care of themselves. And they can't do both at the same time in fear of the other person being neglected and somehow, in this case, dying a preventable death.

Not only did you capture the feeling, but the dialog was exceptional as well. I don't like it when there is sailor swearing in a story, much less, use of the "F" word more than once if that. But your use of it supported your 'cause'. It made it more believable. When a person suffering from PTSD is worried about something, nothing else matters but that thing they are worried about. They don't censor themselves. They want their point across in the best way they can manage, and when they are freaking out about something, they don't have the brain power to refrain from using that language.

Over all, it's an amazing story. Favorited.

Well done. :]
adee chapter 1 . 12/25/2010
I love, love, LOVE this. I rec'd months ago on my blog: 2010/06/11/fan-fiction-friday-3/

It's so hard to find good, realistic Roy/Riza fics. *sigh*
Sketchling chapter 1 . 9/25/2010
Simply beautiful. The whole feel of the story was just...bittersweet. You captured the subtleness of their relationship perfectly, even when they actually ARE in a relationship. I love it :)
RedBrunja chapter 1 . 6/17/2010
Oh, this is perfect!

I love the scene when Riza goes to the bathroom and the fact that he calls her Lieutenant automatically.
Hoprabbit chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
-happysad sigh-

I think I actually cried. I've teared up at a few fanfics before, but I don't cry at stories. Hell, I don't cry for real life. The end made me cry.

This was just incredibly...emotional? I don't know. Their whole ESP aspect and the old habits were incredibly...I can't even figure a word for it... and I don't think I can say much for something bothering me, you really captured them, Roy and Riza, together.

All I can really say is something that you couldn't possibly have known when you wrote it, and I'm sure you already know that. So I won't bother you mroe about it.

It's getting kind of hard to see if I'm making typos through the tears now, so I'm gonna stop writng.

Love and reviews, Hop.

It was so...sad...
Perennial Rhinitis chapter 1 . 12/25/2009
*bawl* I nearly cried my eyes out after reading the latest chapter of FMA. :'( I like reading non-fluffy royai fics that define their relationship as something more profound than your usual anime couple.
deletedforpersonalreasons chapter 1 . 11/19/2009
...Wow. This...this is RoyAi. I mean, not RoyAi likes those sweet, fluffy fics with labels so shippers know what to read, but RoyAi as in...Roy and Riza and their bond. You'ce captured it so WELL, it's amazing. Definitely, my top favourite RoyAi fic, and I've read nearly all the ones on this site. Be proud of yourself for this. You deserve it.
Crystal Zelda chapter 1 . 11/16/2009
Nothing but pure love for this fic. Adored it! Awesome job from start to finish.
Lyny Angell chapter 1 . 11/16/2009
This is... wow... good... but so sad it leaves me nearly in tears. I'm a happy ending person, and this little bit of realism is touching and fabulous but a little depressing for me (And I mean that as a compliment, because I think that, in a way, it's supposed to be depressing). What I really mean to say, I suppose, is that you really made me FEEL the characters- which, I know it's the cliche to say, not a lot of authors can do. I especially love the use of old habits... because, realistically, you're right... those things would be hard to break after so long. I just.. I love the codependancy of their relationship... they don't exist without each other, and you describe that SO well. I think my favorite part was the end, where that little bit of normalcy just shows... I'm not even sure if I can put a name on something quite that deep and profound but it's truly beautiful. So, serious kudos to you. And... yeah, this is just a really fantastic piece of art. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful gift! (I tend to write the world's longest reviews...sorry. lol)

Love in Christ,

Lyny Angell
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