Reviews for Antique Road Show
Debbie Hicks chapter 4 . 12/30/2018
5. Anime the Enterprise! then teenaged gir;s were young Vulcan women Excuse us seeking for doll recall this dweeb oops Oy my gpod Manga Sugoi! you airhead Hi there Doctor scuse me you Cupcake move your tush a kid I Like her Hey Doc! a little girl our child Honey oh man how romantic oh our parents got married oh no Sis Down boy heel what that meet Gorwon my Saint Bernard puppy he barked at the Acolytes brought Tigger in his carrier the younger sister with Shortblue hair bright blue eyes the oldest long Yellow hair midnight blue was a rare one her hair was royality Heard people powerful but clearer Dweeb these are from the city of Tokyo, Japan's past can't Momma mia it's old stuff he heard oh it's holographic Oh my god then Stacey had one huge problem : Men Powder blue eyes turned into hearts ker-boing! GACKT! Shireeeeeeeeeeeeek! A holographic of Gackt caused cadets training to Scream in the halls then Soran pressed a crop of buttons Sarek! it's young teenaged cadets screamig like a pack of lematyas What they are young women they are girls oh no then news of them with the Vulcans Harrrrrrrumph what this it's Manga Commander see herself was really clumsy but a more klutzy Starfleet officer Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! what a fiery woman ow watch your step I Heard that her eyes fiery as New Mount Seleya you ok I Am fine she is very clumsy got off the wrong side the bed Odango these are Buns Baka jeeze watch it hentai it was Pevert Idiot in Japanese oh my sis books on cat care for kitten one nurse is allergic from Cats are carnivorous so Dogs he's cute I Like him oh he's behaved good god Woman you ok I am fine ow! Vampire strength from thee book series wait a second my hand she smashed sorry! oh man you are so strong but cold like a Vampire yes Daughter it's your old man he was Iotian my girlfriend needs these books Commander I Have Vampire strength What?! oh god watch the shirt found it's Star Trek Deep Space Nine you have a girlfriend yes watch my boyfriend yikes he's dating her yes Niece Momma mia Newspapers from a TV Series oh no Strom!.
shellybellypie chapter 4 . 4/2/2010

i feel scotty's pain!

if you need some ideas, you could use

- easy bake oven

- lite brite

- slinky

- etch a sketch

: )

keep up the fab fics!
shellybellypie chapter 1 . 4/2/2010

i giggled when spock got hit

he just seems so calm and collected. . . serves him right!
JustBecauseImAwesome chapter 4 . 3/26/2010
Man I can totally feel for both you and Scotty! I did the exact same thing to my Enterprise-D NCC-Lego (Lost in action at the battle of my room. destroyed by a clumsy me :-( ) And now, it's nacelles are part of my ship. The USS Siren! Yay!
SpaceHusband chapter 4 . 3/26/2010
I love the headless readshirt.
beautiful dreamere chapter 4 . 3/25/2010
aww. i feel scotty's pain too. :) i do stuff like that all the time. i am so ungraceful. lol.
KiKi Kenobi chapter 3 . 3/24/2010
this is a great story! I love your idea of giving them 'antiques'.
Anon chapter 3 . 12/2/2009
Poor Jim! BUZZ! :) Great story, could you please make some more of these?
CheesetothePower chapter 3 . 12/2/2009
Hehe, funny. Poor Jim. I wouldn't doubt that he made Operation another one of the banes of his existanc after this.