Reviews for Seeing Me Smile
MademoiselleMary chapter 14 . 6/24/2013

I mean...I read 14 chapters of Kyouya moving the earth and the sky so that Tamaki didn't have to leave.
Then, I read about him getting together with his mother and I though 'Okay, so he'll stay at Ouran, finish the school and THEN leave to Paris'
But, THEN, he and Kyouya start a realtionship and I was like 'hoooollyyy craaaap, what are they going to do about it?'...but I figured that Kyouya would come up with this BRILLIANT plan, so that they could stay together, forever and be friends and lovers.
So, after I read ALL OF THIS and hoping that it would be a happy ending, you tell me that Tamaki actually LEAVE TO AMERICA? I mean...Kyouya did EVERYTHING he could so Tamaki could stay and this blond-bastard-stupid-hald-french-king LEAVES?
I'm freaking out! Crying for about half an hour because the letter Tamaki wrote was one of the most beautiful things I've ever read!
Do you understand how perfect your fic is? I loved every chapter, every bit of it. I just love drama...I don't like the idea of Tamaki cutting himself but it fits the story, so that's okay. I'm sorry if I started my review looking like I hated or something but, really, I was expecting a different ending...and your endings wasn't predictable AT ALL! And that's what made me love your fic the most! I mean, really...congratulations...that was an AWESOME job
Again, Tamaki's letter was perfect...That was really the biggest sacrifice you could do to 'save' someone you love. After all Kyouya did, Tamaki couldn't let him loose everything the way he would if they stayed together.
But I'm curious...I was sure Kyouya would have a plan more elaborated than another account and another house to live...but...again, your fic is not predictable.
Now I'm going to read the sequel! And probably write a review as big as this one
Congrats again and sorry for english mistakes (it's my second language)

Mafe Ly
wolfgirl336699 chapter 15 . 11/11/2012
Awesome story!
Vampirelover57 chapter 15 . 8/12/2010
That was really a great use of that song. I never quite thought of it that way but it works really well. I will never listen to that song again without thinking of your story.
BriBee1991 chapter 15 . 8/12/2010
I liked it. :)
xXtamaXx chapter 14 . 1/28/2010
I absoloutly loved it, minus the very end when Tamaki told him to marry someone else. Can't wait for the sequal.

xXtamaXx chapter 6 . 1/27/2010
this is so sad but so good
QuinaLee chapter 14 . 1/22/2010
If I wrote the profanities I just yelled out, you would probably be scared.

No, you should be scared because if you don't write anymore, I will personally seek you out and force you to, by whatever means I have to. That's a promise :D

I still loved this story with a fiery passion, though. You just CANNOT leave us like this! It's NOT. OKAY.

Thank you :)

Carol chapter 14 . 1/19/2010
Wow that was not at all what I expected but great none the less. I hope you give us more of them. I was sad that they did not stay together but still enjoyed the story very much. Keep writting would love to read more from you
AngelOfMusic387 chapter 14 . 1/19/2010
That was definitely a twist at the end, but at the same time, it was completely Tamaki. I doubt that Kyouya will be very surprised, either.

All in all, this was a very good story, with some great emotions and conflicts. I would have liked some longer, more drawn out chapters, but that's just me. Good job, and I look forward to reading the sequel.
Carol chapter 13 . 1/18/2010
Kuramasredredrose chapter 14 . 1/18/2010
NO! WHY TAMA-CHAN? WHY! *cries in anger* Gosh he's a baka! Anyway...great job!
AngelOfMusic387 chapter 13 . 1/14/2010
They really slept together? Just like that? Somehow that seems very abrupt. I guess I thought that Kyouya would be more careful with Tamaki after all that's happened.

I love the emotions that are swirling about in these chapters, though. So much angst and love and confusion.
1Hirotamoy1 chapter 11 . 1/2/2010
Oh my gosh that was so cute! I cant believe his mother showed up! Thats so cute! And im so happy hes ok now! and the Kyoya and Tamakiness was adorable! Update Soon please!
BriBee1991 chapter 11 . 1/1/2010
Please update soon!
marieche chapter 9 . 12/24/2009
thanks :D happy holydays!
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