Reviews for Russet Skin, Silver Fur
Guest chapter 7 . 11/23/2015
Cool story
midnightblackwolfpup chapter 7 . 4/8/2012
coolbeanchix chapter 7 . 12/11/2010
Nice story, but I hate when people categorize stories incorrectly. Place this underneath Leah/Paul, it fits and make a hell of a lot more sense. I get the idea of Sam/Leah breaking apart bit or her realising such/moving on, but technically it was more than JUST that.
HornLove chapter 5 . 10/30/2010
I think the guys aren't really compassionate because they aren't girls. Like if you fuck a girl over, she'll never forget. A guy just doesn't understand. That sucks for Leah, because personally, she is entitled to making Sam feel like shit. (In my female opnion, hahaha)
xflawlessnight chapter 1 . 4/6/2010

Loonynamelass chapter 7 . 2/17/2010
Yay! Sweet.

“What we had, we’ll never feel with anyone else, and you know it.”

I was like WTH? Sam! You just totally contradicted yourself. He was acting really stupid this chapter.

But yes, the ending was very nice.
YoGurlB chapter 7 . 2/13/2010
Cute story!
heard'emsay chapter 7 . 2/13/2010
love this story

this chapter; everything . update soon :]
Leanora chapter 7 . 2/13/2010
Great job! Aww! IT's the end!
RedVinesFTW chapter 6 . 1/10/2010
I feel sorry for Leah :/

Great story though, update soon!
NikiChrackpip chapter 6 . 1/10/2010
might be, what ther has to be this is really good. keep up the good
Loonynamelass chapter 6 . 1/6/2010
*squeals again*

Dang, I'd better stop that now. Too repetitive. Doesn't Leah feel bad that Rachel is going through the same thing she did? I'm on the edge of my seat. Updateupdateupdate!
krazykook chapter 6 . 1/6/2010
ooh i loved it!

hope you update soon!

will paul follow?


megagenie chapter 6 . 1/5/2010
I totally love this story.
Carliisubbercute chapter 6 . 1/5/2010
wow i really like this ch...update soon
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