Reviews for Fulfillment
Accidentally The Whole Fanfic chapter 1 . 3/16/2011
You know, this was great. If we ignore the drowning ending (which would likely negate the game's events anyway, as Adam is still obviously alive, and possible Joshua too), this really does a great job of explaining why Alex is still alive.

Plus Judge Holloway is perfectly in character as an all-business, cold bitch.
Dignitus chapter 1 . 11/13/2010
Wow, that was one of the best Silent Hill one shots I have ever read! I'm adding this to my favourites.
Makichan123 chapter 1 . 12/3/2009
nice one shot. I never really thought about it. If Adam really wanted to kill his son, he would have. (erm..Except for the drowning ending of course )