Reviews for Rewriting Thanksgiving History
TheKPFan chapter 1 . 6/21
Love it! Short and sweet!
Derek chapter 1 . 5/28/2019
Lol ron saying to Kim tmi kim tmi
TexasDad chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
You know I generally feel more like an aluminum than an alumni. The university I graduated from was taken in by Texas A&M, yes yes, I know Aggie-land. Now each year for the last 25, A&M sends me a letter inviting me to pledge money to the school, but I'm to remember that I cannot refer to myself as an Aggie, I cannot wear the College Station ring, nor refer to the main campus in any way, so, I politely reply that since I cannot do these things, I cannot pledge. The Christmas letter is due soon. So perhaps Ron has it tight.

Poor Barkin taken down by a bunch of LOL's. My office is across from JCPenney's and I did was two fights of some sort in the parking lot on the morning of Black Friday.

Wow, I had forgotten how fun reviewing can be. I'll have to try my hand at it on another story.

On come on, not more smoothie jokes.

Where do you get a Pilgrim outfit to fit a naked mole rat? Does Ron shop Ken and G I Joe for Rufus? I mean really, the 60 naked mole rats living here demand to know, something about being cold.

Btw MrDrP, I know it's sad, but I turned 50 this year. No longer middle aged, it's not like I'll get to 100. I got sent an AARP (damn bunch of liberal commies) card offer, the burial plot prepay people are after me and to top it all off, I realized that I'm only 12 years from Social Security. Sigh.

See, see, this is what I'm always talking about. You writers always take the high road, just think how much better the fist Thanksgiving would have been if there have been a chick fight. Then every November we could have looked forward to dinner and a show. Throw in a little mud every now and then to mix it up and you super holiday. Wow.

Just what are meat cakes, other than Ron has anyone tried them and are they really that awful?
Molloy chapter 1 . 11/30/2009
Very pleasant cornucopia of amusing (and disturbing) KP/Turkey Day images.

Some of my favorite bits:

“Actually, I don’t know what bundling is,” she admitted.

"But we are so not giving thanks for evil.”

"I think Mom has some pumpkin pie waiting for us. I just hope it’s not shaped like an internal organ …”

Still a but confused about Drakken's turkey (although that makes it all the more disturbing).

Also, I was pleased that your take did maintain the historic accuracy of the Native Americans supplying the feast for the Pilgrims. So many of the mainstream takes on this evident suggest that it was the pilgrims who introduced the new world grub and, therefore, fed the starving Native Americans.
Danny-171984 chapter 1 . 11/28/2009
Interesting Thanksgiving story. Good thing you put Shego and Drakken in the mix. Until next time.
Sharper the Writer chapter 1 . 11/26/2009
Happy Thanksgiving, MrDrP, and to your family.

Nice interesting once-shot sequence with Kim, Ron, and Barkin, especially with his Black Friday flashback.

Thanks and God Bless

soulman3 chapter 1 . 11/26/2009
Very enjoyable for the holiday time.
spectre666 chapter 1 . 11/26/2009
Ok, that was strange.
laranzu chapter 1 . 11/26/2009
Nice dialog, captured the style of all the characters. The Barkin flashback seemed a little odd, but otherwise he was great. I'm almost disappointed that the "Thanksgiving" didn't go for a bit longer, but only almost because I really appreciate short, crisp, pieces of fiction such as this that don't try to pack in too much.
JCS1966 chapter 1 . 11/25/2009
Man, that was a freaky Thanksgiving dream! Loved the K/R/Barkin convo, especially the flashback-within-the dream sequence.

Great show. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, MrDrP!
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 1 . 11/25/2009
Heh, very nice one.

Keep the good writing.
screaming phoenix chapter 1 . 11/25/2009
Thanks for the whack Thanksgiving tale. What does go with brain loaf anyway; a liver shaped pumpkin pie?

Happy Thanksgiving to yours as well MrDrP!
Sentinel103 chapter 1 . 11/25/2009
Milk off a duck's head...hahahaha. Not bad. Heck you had me, I thought that Dr D had trapped them in a TV again.

Thanks to all Kim and Ron,

Larry (Sentinel 103)
Joe Stoppinghem chapter 1 . 11/25/2009
Only you can come up with another KP story influenced by the episode and yet make it one of your own.

I'll have for some time in my mind, the blender-DVD, what a great way to get rid of Junior's "An International Pop Sensation" CDs.

Hope this holiday and the rest are enjoyable, welcome visits from family and friends not seen in sometime and many of your hopes and wishes come true... When you wish upon a sta-

Sorry, got carried away. as always loved the writing, but what can I say, you're Mr. Dr. P.


whitem chapter 1 . 11/25/2009
Now that was the most 'whacked' Thanksgiving dream I've ever seen/read...

I could have read the Kim/Ron/Barkin interaction all day long.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too MrDrP...
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