Reviews for Dark Empire
Ayana94321798 chapter 4 . 5/19/2017
Is this story discontinued? Cause I just finished the 4 chapters in this year, 2017 and it says that you haven't updated since 2002? Wow. So...I'm in LOVE with story. My twisted mind just can't get enough lol. I REALLY hope you update. But if not would you consider passing the story onto someone else to finish?
lemonrocker chapter 4 . 5/26/2009
hi great story this is a excellent story. You are a great writer please write more. This has a great plot and I can't wait for the rest of it. You had me hooked with the name of the story. PLease I beg you to write more. It seems like there is a story under your story.

your persistent reader

Kayla Elise chapter 3 . 11/27/2008
How did snape go to Hausser if his hair is jet black?
Death-Muncher chapter 4 . 12/17/2005

i love your story its really really good.

more draco angst!
Pervy Slytherin Fancier chapter 1 . 10/28/2004
I love this story. It's so hard to find a good WWII fanfic these days, even considering how closely Harry Potter and WWII seem to follow each other.

I love everything about this fic. I was especially delighted by your attention to detail and your knowledge of real Third Reich information and events and your ability to apply them in the story. I'm impressed. And Lucius is awfully deep with his little speech about 'Red curtains or green?'

Hats off to you. You're one of the few great fanfic authors I've had the pleasure of reading. Keep it up!
notsolaZNEmor chapter 4 . 3/29/2004
this is original
id really like to read the rest so update soon pls
wanna know what happens
Noriko M. Chijinu chapter 4 . 3/6/2004
Very interesting idea/plot.
I hope to hear more from you~
Megami Riley chapter 4 . 11/19/2003
_ hi! love your ficcie and hope you update soon!

*gives you a Draco and Harry doll*

update update update!
Myou-Bakura chapter 4 . 10/7/2003
Fraky freaky freaky...Very weird...Nice bit of history. You should read the Zion Chronicals by Bodie Thoene. I think you'll like them if your into pre WWII
tika chapter 4 . 8/17/2003
wow, this is simply the best AU story I ever read, and the characters are more IC than in many fandom following story's. love it
ShivaLeonhart chapter 4 . 4/26/2003
Something different...continue soon!
Bunnieskill chapter 4 . 3/13/2003

I much enjoy this story, *please* keep writing it.
Dib1308 too lazy to log in chapter 3 . 12/27/2002
Hey! I WANNA COOKIE! n.n i like cookies! ... well i spose you want SOME type of review, besides me askin for a cookie... well this is a good story, ive always been interested in stuff having to do with WW2 ... and this is a good story, keep it up... NOW GIMME A COOKIE! n.n (lol)
Lazuli chapter 4 . 11/13/2002
This story is becoming very intersting. I had my doubts with the first chapter, as the characters of Harry, Dumbledore, Hermoine, Ron and so on seemed a little flat and uninteresting. However, you really have a talent with Voldemort and Lucius. The basic idea of the story is quite intriguing and I believe that this story has a lot of potential. Please update!
anon14 chapter 4 . 10/31/2002
what's squick? Anyhoo, I love the story so far. V. good. I like the whole gun thing. There is a huge lack of guns in Harry Potter. I like how Voldemort and Lucius are really psychotic and ultra-cool. I can't wait until the next chapter. I like how this story has a hitler kinda theme. Not that I like Hitler but it is much more interesting than some storylines.

Good luck and keep writing.

Da-xia Nariko
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