Reviews for A Royal Engagement
GlassMazeGazer chapter 9 . 5/1
I’m definitely disappointed that this story was abandoned. I enjoyed what I read, particularly the balancing of Eric carefully making small inroads into Sookie’s reservations & fears while still maintaining a persistent undercurrent of his innate vampiric edge. I can imagine a similar sense of tension, contrasting with cooperation between Eric & Niall as the story progressed, if it had been completed.

I was definitely disappointed that this Sookie never even began to have any doubts about Bill’s intentions. Eric provided her with enough basic reasoning that she should at least have been willingly attempting to be more objective by this point. Still, I’m grateful this wasn’t a screaming banshee version of Sookie at least.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 4 . 5/1
Seems like it would have been wise for Eric to alert Niall about Compton getting involved with Sookie & her Gran. A vampire can do a whole lot of damage in a week. Niall should warn SOOKIE off of the association. Then again, storytelling-wise, I guess that would detract from the intent to build the tension of Sookie discovering that her intended was the vampire whose behavior she’s already disgusted by...
GlassMazeGazer chapter 3 . 5/1
I bet a nickel that Eric’s comment, “How interesting.” means he now suspects Sookie is his ‘intended.’

I’m hoping things get moving along quicker here with the E/S interaction & away from so much Bill. This is an unfinished fic & this is already 1/3 of the way through the nine chapters. I hate it when I gamble on reading an abandoned story & find it died out before any part of what tempted me actually happens.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 1 . 5/1
Darn. I was hoping this story was going to be AU enough that creepy Compton would never come into it. Silly me.
svmtbfan chapter 9 . 3/10
Great story, so sorry you abandoned it.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/4/2019
Lobe this story but I notice that you have quit writing more of this. I understand that real life comes first, but if you could find it inyour heart and time to continue this I would love to read more. My hat goes off to all the writers out there that can do this. I tryed one time but I brain told me to stop and just enjoy other peoples stiries. Once again thank you for all your time and hard work you putt into your stories.
MandaW4 chapter 9 . 10/24/2018
its been years since i read this. i love your methods of writting. do hope you are okay. sure hope for a update.
padfoots-angellover chapter 9 . 10/14/2018
More please!
HartleySkarsgard chapter 9 . 2/28/2018
Even though it's been 8 years since your last update I hope you come back to this great fanfic :)
KristinaDEllis chapter 9 . 10/9/2017
I hope you will return and complete this story, I was really enjoying it!
Pantherbabe4ever chapter 9 . 5/23/2016
update or left unfinished?
radix chapter 9 . 2/7/2016
Awesome story... love the new take was totally wonderful
tanseynz chapter 7 . 10/9/2014
Earth to Sookie - you ARE a floozie, and you're letting yourself be manipulated by Niall, Adele, Eric, Bill and Claudine. All of them keep telling you to be positive about this whole charade while your natural sense of survival says the opposite.
As to the vampires being medieval, what 21stC woman lets herself be married off to a complete stranger, with the demand she be a virgin and have only him, while he can do as he pleases? Telling him you want him to be monogamous is one thing, but given this is a political alliance, it should have been part of the legal agreement.
tanseynz chapter 6 . 10/9/2014
Hypocritical grandparents (Adele especially), a tomcatting fiance, and not enough brain to insist on fidelity as part of the agreement, and then a generic diamond solitaire to complete the arrangement.
Hmm Sookie seems to be bottom of the evolutionary and self-determining chain in so many respects. I don't buy in the least her importance to the fae. She's already been given less respect than a stray kitten, and behaved as such. No strength or determination so far.
bluetvgal chapter 9 . 4/24/2014
Have you continued this story on another site? I certainly hope so, because it is very well written.
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