Reviews for Dominate
starlineshine chapter 1 . 11/8/2014
I am so judging you right now.
jen chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
Lol... I needed that laugh
Azrael Jinsei chapter 1 . 1/5/2011
OMG That was amazing. Thank you so much for writing this.
Pasts-Hormony2 chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
Tehe...funny... And if a guy ever says that to a woman, they TOTALLY deserve that treatment!
ZukosGirl91014 chapter 1 . 1/3/2010
LOLZ! I've read this b4! a long time ago. It's brilliant!
thespiltnoodles chapter 1 . 1/3/2010
there were some scenes that made Zuko look kinda girly... but yeah... This fic is totally awesome!
YfyF12 chapter 1 . 12/26/2009
I loved this dude! Hilarious yet zuko deserved to get punished for saying that XD

great job you amazing writer :)
jennibare chapter 1 . 12/22/2009
Hilarous. Glad someone made a companion piece to the picture.
mmmbopjonasgirl chapter 1 . 12/18/2009
I love you! . lol!

This was so awesome!

“Good, now go make me a sandwich Woman!” ROFL!

*sigh* Screw Kataang. -.-

I was praying Aang was gonna die there and then Zuko and Katara would save the world together. But no! They just had to CRUSH my dreams! Sorry, I'm ranting...

Great story!

Authenticait chapter 1 . 12/4/2009
The URL for the image doesnt show up right, can you send it to me in a PM?
Cat chapter 1 . 11/29/2009
Wonderfull story! I think I know which Zutara picture was your insperation, however when I tried the URL provided to double check, it did not work. Did you find the picture at DeviantArt?