Reviews for Good Idea, Bad Idea
floridapanther28 not logged in chapter 1 . 9/18/2011
Ah, I needed a good lol. Thanks! :)

Ha, I'm lovin' the awkwardness down here in Florida. I must say that I don't like this couple, but I clicked on the story just in case... and I loved it. This was totally in character. :)

Keep writing! -flp28
rinalii chapter 1 . 9/14/2011
I'm not really a big fan of Luke x Selena, but I enjoyed how you wrote Luke in this story. I also liked how everyone is in-character, particularly Selena. She's exactly how she is in the game; kinda rude without it being over the top. Good job. :)

This is definitely going into my favourites~
TheGoldenHeartedGirl329 chapter 1 . 9/14/2011
This was very funny. I really enjoyed this.
pscm chapter 1 . 6/28/2011
very funny and cute story
littleolmee chapter 1 . 1/4/2010
I really enjoyed reading your one-shot. Your interpretation of Luke was wonderful. Good job.
Jean Cooper chapter 1 . 12/13/2009
Epic Mage. I got to say I loved it. Luke is very much the luck of the draw here. This is by far the best Luke fic I've ever read, so I commend you for that. Good luck in the contest.
sugarapplesweet chapter 1 . 12/4/2009
Once again, I find myself just about in love with that dry wit of yours. Even if your name wasn't on it, I think I would still be able to recognize your writing because of it.

I really enjoy how you blurred the line between the positives and negatives of what makes Luke who he is. I just hope that Selena is ready for that same level of passion when their relationship gets off the ground.

Also... entry verified. :)

~ Peace and Love