Reviews for Spell My Heart
Dihya chapter 6 . 5/29
god but this is such a beautiful story, thank u for sharing this lovely work with us
Illidan Strormrage chapter 6 . 10/7/2016
One .
x.keepingthemoon.x chapter 6 . 7/5/2013
Aw, this is really nice :)
Guest chapter 6 . 5/27/2013
Loved it! :D
wherearethegoodpennames chapter 6 . 10/6/2011
That was such a cute read! I dont usually read alice pairings but that was sooooo good! Great job:D
ElektraLane chapter 6 . 5/9/2011
I didn't think that I would like a Charlie fic, boy was I wrong! I loved this! I espicially loved the fact that it was Alice and Charlie! Well done!
Dantelover051386 chapter 6 . 4/19/2011

awwee, such a sweer and lovely tale of love and forgiveness. i mean, the only real crime here was the fact that they hid there romance, but seeing as how somes reactions were, namely bella and carlisle and esme. they were down right cruel, though bella did come around and in the end also forgave edward. i do not condone cheating, but there are special circimstances when love is there you can forgive the act of straying, that and the assurance it wont happen again. i mean everyone fucks up, more than others and for differnet reasons. edwards stray wasnt meant to be cruel, but simply a really bad mistake on his part and seeing as how he punished himself for that mistake and how he tried to make amends for that, yes, forgiveness should be given. everyone should be given a second chance.

as for esme and carlisle. Hmmm...being parents, i see how it looks. be it as it may charlie 40 something and alice 20 somthing and seeing as how charlie knew alice in school, i can see how her parents would suspect, but nosy bitchy rose always makes shit worse than it needs to be. i feel sad that carlisle wont know his grandchild because of his disapproval of his daughters relationship and marriage to charlie. it looks as if esme was or is gonna see more of her grandchild than carlisle. its realy heart breaking that they missed the wedding and birth. carlisle didnt get to walk his daughter down the isle because of his disapprval or pride and if he is not apart of alice and charlie and his grandsons life thats carlisle and esme's doing and fault. i am so happy that bella came around, because for a time there i wanted to slap her silly. i mean i see why she was so upset in all, about her father and friend hiding this. bella didnt have a problem with there romance so much as it being hiden from her. i see and understand that, but the way she handled it, the cruelness and threats...were uncalled for and just plain fucked up and as for esme and carlisle and them basically diswoening there daughter becuase of her marriage to charlie...even more fucked up. i mean how can a parent disown there own flesh in blood. yea, kids fuck life and to grow up we make mistakes and hopefully learn from them and use those mistakes to becocome better people. regardless of what my child did or said, arson, murder, teenage pregnancy...even the worst i could not disown my child. i mean i sure as hell wouldnt like it, and yes might disapprove, but i would never disown them. it really makes you question a parents love for there child when they can so easily throw them away or disown them especailly because they arent making the choices you want for them. that is whats truly cruel. i love this tale and i am so happy charlie and alice stuck it out despite her parents or others disapproval. edward, jasper, angela were the only ones supportive from the start, sure bella warmed up and glad she did.
Dantelover051386 chapter 1 . 4/19/2011

WTF...truthfully the only bitch that i see in all this is bella. i mean really. she has no right to tell her father who he can see and who he cannot. love is love at what ever age. the only time i would be against a age issue is if it was a minor, a child/teenager. i mean alice is of age 18 and older and granted chalie is older 40something it makes no matter if they are in a relationship and in love. strange to some, yes, getting used to, yes. a shock for friend and family, most certainly...but for said friends and family to forbid it...hell no. they have no right to dictate who or why alice and charlie are together as long as both are of legal age and they are.

as for bella, wow. alice is right. one would might think bella was friends with alice to get with edward. one could easily see that. as for bella forbiding her father...what right does she have. yes, its new and i see why she is upset that her father didnt tell her or alice for the matter, but now i can see why they kept there romance a secret because of the way bella and the others will and are acting. if i were charlie i would be setting bella in her place. asking alice to move in with me if bella was being such a harsh bitch on there romance.
suzmac33 chapter 6 . 3/28/2011
What a pleasant surprise this entire tale turned out to be! Loved it & I am sure I will love the rest of your works. Can't wait to start a new one!
NinaQ chapter 6 . 2/22/2011
I love your Charlie, and the fact that your characters have the capacity to forgive.

Thanks for sharing.
ja4ever chapter 6 . 1/26/2011
Very beautiful and wonderful ending! I was kinda scared there for a moment because I thought Charlie died but I'm glad he didn't. Glad everyone's happy and Alice and Jasper's children ended up together. Sop cute! What an amazing story! Thanks for writing! Loved it! Sad it's over.
ja4ever chapter 5 . 1/25/2011
Very nice! Even though i wish there were more of the actual wedding. Love weddingS1 So great that Bella showed up. Glad she wanted to be there and wants to be of a part of their lives. Edward is like the best big brother ever! He is being so supportive and sweet! Definitely making up for lost time. Incredible job! Loved it! Glad they're happy and still having some fun! LOl! Keep it up! Joshua's a great name for the baby!
ja4ever chapter 4 . 1/23/2011
I can't believe Carlisle did that! I guess he has a right to e angry but he didn't have to be violent about it. I guess his friendship with Charlie really is over. That's too bad. At least Edward isn't mad. I'm glad he supports them and he's happy about becoming an uncle. They still have a lot of support. I hope everything will end up okay though. Love the cute little moment towards the end! Loved it! Keep it up!
ja4ever chapter 3 . 1/21/2011
Loved it! So cute, sexy, and hilarious! Love the flashbacks and all the background info! So well written! Awesome job! Keep it up! I never though about Jasper and Angela but they seem great together.
ja4ever chapter 2 . 1/20/2011
Why were they keeping it a secret in the first place? It couldn't be any worse then it is now. Anyway, I hope it won't get that much worse. Awesome job! Keep it up1
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