Reviews for You Know You're Obsessed with Glee when
foundue-for-two chapter 2 . 1/16/2012
OMG alllll of 'em!
Rockcandy775 chapter 3 . 1/25/2011
Your genious. {: Absolutely brilliant ! {:
EltonColferLuvr chapter 2 . 6/20/2010
Can you PLEEEEEEAAAAAASE write more of this? I LOVE THIS THING! All I wanted for Christmas was Kurt and I didn't get him... but there's always next Christmas1 :D Only 188 Days away! :D lol
amydam chapter 2 . 6/12/2010
LMFAO amazing
Broadway Lovers chapter 3 . 6/10/2010
AHH! THIS LIST IS SOOO TRUE! but the only ones that didnt apply to me were

i was never a homophobe

i have always loved broadway and musicals
Lizsername chapter 3 . 4/9/2010
hey just started reaidng this Fanfic cuz i just got obbsed with Glee! Oh man i love the Adam lambert part! I have a couple fanfics about Adam and Glee and an Adam/Glee fanfic if u check them out. Anywya wite more
EltonColferLuvr chapter 3 . 1/31/2010
WOW! I love these! I agree with most of them! (But I don't take spanish, I'm not in high school yet, and I was never a homophobe)


PS.I am tsarting to love Adam Lambert too! And Kurt/Finn is my favorite couple! I can;t beleive Kurt is getting a BOYFRIEND! AND ITS NOT FINN! Well anyways, I love all of these and hope you continue making more. And most of the things on this site dont make me laugh out loud. This did. Congrats :)
Cellar Door 26 chapter 3 . 12/28/2009
In chapter 1, it's sexism, not feminism.

Cute story idea, although it's not a fanfiction.
gleekforever1996 chapter 3 . 12/27/2009
wow, um. ok i have done or am every single one of those
extremefuchsia chapter 3 . 12/27/2009
THis story/thing is totally random and veryfunny. I really like it. I don't exactly conform to everything on the list, but I have got the first ten episodes on my computer and I watch them all the time. I am just slightly overobsessed with Will/Emma hehe D
EO4EVER chapter 3 . 12/27/2009
lol. i luv adam lambert so much! lolz.
StarCrossedLovers123 chapter 2 . 12/11/2009
LOL, I agree with nine. (I was never homophobic) But other than that, I SO agree!
darcyLoVesmarissa chapter 2 . 12/10/2009
you know you're obsessed with Glee when:

You're at school and start thinking "What would Rachel Berry do?"

You now own ten pairs of knee highs.

You've spent over $30 worth of Glee ringtones.

You follow the entire cast on Twitter.

You write/read Glee fanfics.

you own an "I'm a gleek" t-shirt.

...yes. all of these are true about me. )
Loveisuniversal345 chapter 1 . 12/10/2009
Um.. this isnt fanfiction. I have no idea who jacki or Chase is- and for it to be fanfiction, it has to actually involve teh characters. Great story, but you may want to consider posting it on ficpress.
FireGoddess528 chapter 2 . 12/10/2009
Lol, I already knew I was obsessed with Glee. Some more ideas:

-When you steal your cousins wheelchair and wheel yourself around pretending to be Artie

-When using said wheelchair you attempt the wheelies and turns Artie does in Dancing With Myself and attempt the Proud Mary Choreography

-When you know every single word and dance step to every single song

-When you wish Finn and Rachael would finally finish siging You're The One That I Want. How many times can you start the same damn song and bot finish?

-When you look at your friend, giggle, and scream KURT because they played Single Ladies at your school's student vs. teachers football game. (TRUE STORY)

I have plenty more but I'll save them for later
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