Reviews for Another New Beginning
Taeniaea chapter 20 . 2/15/2010
cool story
Of Naught chapter 20 . 1/8/2010
Thanks for the honorable mention!
Of Naught chapter 19 . 1/8/2010
Nice plot twist at the end, although it was just a tad predictable. I do hope you write a sequel soon.

Keep up the good work!

~ Of Naught
Shezu chapter 20 . 1/8/2010
You're very welcome. Please don't hesitate to ask if you need something. I will be reading your next story, which ever one you chose. I already voted and choose Final Fantasy. My reason for this is. . .well three reasons actualy. One, it's difficult for a writer to write a sequel to a story if they don't have the right insperation, and since you where already lacking for insperation it my be a good idea to wait a little. Two, it's always good to leave the reader wanting for more, don't you think? ;) Three, if you start on your Final Fantasy one and choose to make a sequel to that one as well then you can switch back and forth between the two stories and it should be easier to get the insperation you need. Doing the same old same old time after time can tired out a person's imagination quickly. Try not to over work yourself. It may be a good idea for the week the poll is up to chill and, maybe, read some stroies of your own. Don't over work yourself, 'kay?

Ja ne,

Shezu chapter 19 . 1/8/2010
This was an awesome story, Nobody-XV-chan. Thank you very much for writing it. I like this story. . . a lot!

Please keep writing these awesome stories, 'Kay?

Ja ne

Of Naught chapter 18 . 1/3/2010
Nice chapter, and with a twist! And a cliffhanger!

Oh, by the way, I'm an idiot. I totally forgot that all the Princesses had lost their hearts and failed to realize that Nobodies would be made. The worst part was that I had played KH1 like a week ago, and it didn't even cross my mind, despite the fact that I was trying to pick apart even the smallest details of the game.

Okay, enough of my ranting! Great job, and keep it up!

~ Of Naught
Shezu chapter 18 . 1/3/2010
O.O whoa. That was. . .COOL! Wow! Miyu-chan is really brave to do all that on her own. By the way, wont those injuries leave a scar?

I'm glad my advise helped. . I'm happy to be of survice. Please don't hesitate to ask something of me. I'm working on getting my own file on here so I hope we can get to know each other better. I would also like to hear advise from you when I do, if you don't mind. I really do like your stories. When I do get a file on here I'll be sure to put you on my FAVORITE authors. .

I can't wait to get my own file so I can vote on your polls, I am sorry I didn't vote on your last poll even if you didn't use it..

This one was good and I don't really have any advise I can give you other then try to detail your stories more, 'kay? .

Ja ne,

ExtremeRachey chapter 17 . 1/2/2010
i just read your story and it's pretty good. i'm a fellow riku fangirl, i'm assuming that's why it's a riku fanfic cause ur a riku fangirl? anyway update more please! i wanna see, er read, riku and miyu together again! oh and her dad officially gone
Shezu chapter 17 . 1/2/2010
This chapter was really well done, Nobody-XV-chan. I like that you have Miyu's mom visit her and help guide her. By the way, do you/ can you read your chapters over after you finish typing them? I find myself making mistakes all the time. They seem minor but can through a reader off more then they seem. I noticed in this chapter one spot where you missed a quotation mark and another where you put in an "O" by mistake. Try to find even these minor mistakes. Okay? A writers we have to make sure that the reader doesn't go through more pains then they need to, even though it means more effort on our part. -_-

Although that can get annoying at times. Also, if you get the insperation to write a story, even if you are working on a differn't story, try to write down something about it. I find this makes it easier to go back to that insperation later. I not sure if you acctually use/like my advise but. . .well... Ma ne, I guess I can't say its the ramblings of an old man, considering I'm 15 and a girl .' but I hope you don't mind my advise.

Ja ne,

Alexandria Volturi chapter 16 . 12/30/2009
really good chapter i cant wait to read more write to me please?
Shezu chapter 16 . 12/30/2009
You're welcome and thank you. I'm glad you like my advice, even if you didn't/don't use it. This Chapter was really good, but I do hope Miyu-chan doesn't stay depressed. I did read the other reviews yet, but I hope it wasn't just Of Naught-san and I who tried to help you. Be the way, What was that song Miyu-chan was singing? I don't think I know it. Well. . .Thanks again for the story.

Ja ne,

Of Naught chapter 16 . 12/30/2009
Good chapter once again! I don't mind waiting at all for the next chapter.

As they say, "All's fair in love and war." If I had been Zane, I'd have used a gun as well. Why risk defeat when you could just take out the good guys with a few finger flexes?

Anyways Keep up the good work!

~ Of Naught
Of Naught chapter 15 . 12/26/2009
Hey, no problem! It happens, and in my case, a lot! I have so many discontinued stories and stories that writer's block have killed. I'll happily wait until the next chapter is posted.

~ Of Naught
Shezu chapter 15 . 12/26/2009
Aw~ I'm sorry Nobody-XV-chan. I do love you stories but, being a writer myself, I understand how hard it is to keep writing when you can seem to think up anything new. May I give you some advice? Try playing Kingdom Hearts again or reading other fanfics about it. It should help inspire you. You just need to get in the mood again maybe. Well, I hope that helps.

Ja ne,

Mirai M. Mieux chapter 14 . 12/20/2009
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