Reviews for Sex on Fire
nah mate chapter 4 . 8/2/2015
nah mate
Finnick Odair chapter 4 . 11/16/2014
Hello this is the REAL Finnick from the Hunger Games. And I want u to know that my girlfriend is very upset by this story because it shows me as a broken down manwhore. Personally I find who ever wrote this sick in the head and they should be my girlfriend .
bobby j chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
Its sad how late I am reading this but I love that song . Nice story by the way . I love a Finnick and Katniss pairing
Guest chapter 4 . 5/30/2014
Please update another chapter! I LOVE THIS STORY SOOOOOOO MUCH!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/2/2014
Keep going with the story it's great and breath taking. Never knowing what's going to happen next.. In a way keeps you guessing. I love it!
Cora chapter 4 . 1/1/2014
COME BACKKKKK! YOU HAVEN'T UPDATED IN OVER 3 YEARS! It's 2014 and I found your story-

I fell in love with it! I know this is hopeless considering the years past you dropped that story, but I have a slight sliver of hope.
If you see this calling, by any chance no matter how long later, please please consider updating again. I can imagine that I speak for many people when saying this. Please update!
I love this story, even though it's got only 3 chapters and hasn't been updated since over 3 years ago.
Please see this :(
alisha.hawk chapter 1 . 12/20/2013
ptl4ever419 chapter 4 . 12/1/2013
Love the pairing :)
addictedtobooks13 chapter 4 . 6/24/2013
Nice Story Update soon
CatnipGreenieOnFire chapter 4 . 6/5/2013
great story! Continue please! x
Guest chapter 4 . 5/5/2013
You, my friend, are one eggzellent writer. more plz
xXAlwaysGryffindorXx chapter 4 . 4/21/2013
OH MY EFFING GOD! That was the best fan fiction I have ever read. That's was true talent and I can't wait to hear more! Go kinnick!
DOOUCHEBAGTOM chapter 2 . 2/1/2013
NOT LIKING it what in the world happened to annie oh yeah finnick died in mockingjay so what the hell
Me chapter 1 . 2/1/2013
Well good story but should be more descriptive
toka8ping chapter 4 . 11/26/2012
loovovvoooovvovove xx cc x x ccc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxccccc x
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