Reviews for An AkuRoku Christmas
LadyWitchita chapter 1 . 11/13/2011



(I dun wanna creep you out by saying I love you, because you don't know me at all X3)
Rikuobsession chapter 1 . 8/20/2011
Very nicely done! *bows repeatedly* teach me oh master of yaoi!

Seriously, I loved this! How do you come up with this stuff? Write more stories like this, no one can touch your style.

I am now a faithful reader and reviewer.
emocookie chapter 1 . 4/20/2011
beautiful! amazing! gr8! wonderful! i love it!
RainbowYuki chapter 1 . 12/10/2010
Well, I just couldn't wait for your updates on traverse town flying dragons and find me somebody to love, so I decided to read some of your other fics that I haven't yet gotten round to, and I'm SO glad I read this one x3 It was pure fluffy cuteness all the way through! and not to mention yet another HOT lemon... my god, you're good at writing those! *is jealous* hehe it's so hard to NOT love your writing! And AWW! Roxy at the end! "thank you Santa" so freaking cute! I know what I want for christmas! I will be very upset if I don't find a very sexy redhead under my tree now! haha.

I'm really looking forward to your updates!
Sharmander chapter 1 . 12/9/2009
The little "Thank you Santa"

Was the cutest thing ever (:
Electra Raven chapter 1 . 12/8/2009
omg that was beautiful and sweet!:D the lemon was amazingly hot! love the axel under the tree nude with a ribbon ! i loved this oneshot! awesome job!

colormyskyy chapter 1 . 12/8/2009
Loved it! (:

I absolutely love your lemons, haha.

Great work, it was awesome~! :D

EvilScotsman chapter 1 . 12/7/2009
Dang, other great oneshot!

First off, "My client is Muslim so today means nothing to him." So funny, so fantastic, so true. Infidels make me LOL! But better not go on that too muck, or may get banned. :)

To get this out of the way, you outshine yourself in your ability to write a very detailed and engaging lemon. It was wow, I was like basically, am I reading a oneshot, or having a very hot yaoi porno playing in my head. Which would be awesome if they continued to be Roxas/Axel ones...yeah.

Okay, Love, how much they care for each other and how needy Roxas was coming across, but it's only cause he obviously can't imagine his life without Axel in it, which is so wonderful and beautiful. Just how much they truly care for one another, can you say picture prefect example of a loving relationship?

Didn't realize they were on the phone at first. :P lol

The bit with Santa in Roxas' dream, that was nice, and what's even better was, "Before Roxy drifted off to sleep he whispered, “Thank you Santa.” Now that was good, cause Roxas was wanting Santa to bring his Axel home, and Santa delivered! GO SANTA!

The whole ending was great!

“That’s great I knew you would, you’ve always been a closer.”

“I’d give it all up in a heartbeat for you sweetheart, do you know that?

“I do, that’s why I was so mad at myself for yelling at you. I know you would do anything for me and it wasn’t fair of me to do that to you.”

“Well I shouldn’t just assume that you’re okay with handling all the domestic stuff. That is arrogant of me and I’ll try to be better okay?”

“But you’re perfect just the way you are! I love you Axel!” he scooted up and gave him a tender kiss.

“I love you too Roxy, more than you will ever know, you’re my everything.” With that he pulled him in close and they fell asleep in each other’s arms in front of the fire place.

Loved that. So touchy-feely, lovey-dovey, fluffy goodness.

"I only want Axel, I don’t need anything else, don’t you see that nothing matters without him!” - Really liked that too.

Yeah a quote heavy review, but most was lemon, which was WOW! and he rest was awe, so cute! A very good oneshot, sure to boost your views even more. :P Oh well. It's still really good. I'm such a sucker for these cute fluff filled relationships. And you deliver, or Santa did.

So how's about hookin' a brother up St. Nick? WHOOSH!
Ayden Silverflame chapter 1 . 12/7/2009
kya~~ this was really good ] ] the whole Axel under the Christmas tree in a bow thing was too sexy for words -