Reviews for Salt in Our Wounds
Guest chapter 1 . 9/21/2018
This was such a great story just like it's prequel. The second last chapter was had me in tears. For a second there I feared for a sad ending. Although I can't believe that they stayed apart for another 5 years. As well written as the epilogue is.. I truly wanted more closure with the ending. A kiss, hug or anything! I wanted to see them happy together as an official couple. Anyway amazing story nonetheless. There were some parts which really did touch my heart! Keep on writing!
A Spoonful of Salt chapter 16 . 8/5/2018
I thought the ending was gonna be sad, but I'm sooo glad it wasn't
AKTF-0729 chapter 16 . 2/22/2017
Faaaaqqq! This is my second time I'm reading this fic, and I totally forgot all the feels that it gave me. I usually try to avoid fic where the story is told from the character's point of view, but this one was one that I had a keep reading. The way you wrote each Harry and Draco's pov was just flawless, and the emotions you put into it was beautifully written. This really is one of my favorite Drarry fics!
Miss Emotion chapter 16 . 5/24/2016
I'm crying I'm crying I can't stop crying, I've read the first part of this story before but I never knew there was a second part. I read that again and cried. And now I just read this and I can't stop crying. No. No. No. Why does Draco torture himself so much?! It CAN'T just end like that, please anything a hug, a kiss, finding out what Hermionie did, did Harry find out that Malfoy lied. I can't stop f-ING crying. My heart is sinking right now, I'm in so much pain. But damn I loved these stories. I could wax poetry about how phenomenal they are. And I just.. The moment where Draco said that he loved Harry in the court room was fucking incredible. It was so suspenseful, I had no idea what was going to happen next. A million scenarios were in my head but what you did was YES. Oh god... You don't understand. My heart feels like it's been stumped on and thrown about. I can feel physical pain. Every single chapter in this was fucking incredible, I loved every single detail. Why didn't Draco just stay?! That moment when Harry kissed him in the middle of the street... I. I loved the peaceful life you described as well. That made me so happy. And back to the courtroom, I loved how Ron laughed (it was horrible, it made this cold shiver go down my spine. It was like that horrible slow motion laughing in the creepy movies TT_TT) and a stunned Hermione is 3 I'm so sorry but you've created the greatest fic of all time. You destroyed my heart! XD (I'm not lying though) I'm so glad that Hermione found out and how Harry chose Draco. I fucking love him. I fucking love Draco too *weeps* I love how Draco is just Draco, do you know how perfect you are? Like Draco sneers and everything and Harry loves him(TTUTT) I must see what happens next or what happened before (both? *crossed fingers*) I would love to see a one shot or two.. I just.. You can't expect me to just go and read normal fanfiction after reading that. I just.. Fuck you've ruined me. I'm dead.
Olivia chapter 16 . 3/6/2016
I'm crying happy tears. Oh my god.
Tommy ice chapter 1 . 12/22/2015
Such a great story, so well written . I felt that sense of loss when a really good book is over at the end :'( beautifully done, and love the ending!
Aston chapter 16 . 1/17/2015
I really enjoyed this and the prequel Behind the Green Door. Thanks for sharing.
waitingformyletter chapter 16 . 1/9/2013
That was beautiful! And so sad but happy! I wish we could've seen everyone's reactions though!
whatdoessnowbecome chapter 16 . 5/27/2012
Angst. It's really hard for me to find angst stories that will make me drop a tear.

This story made me drop more than one.

I felt a deep sorrow for both Draco and Harry.

Thank you for writting this story.

I enjoyed it.
silentpenguin chapter 16 . 3/28/2012
:') Thank you for writing this. It is an amazing story.
Lemo Smith chapter 16 . 11/13/2011
I thought that this would be yet another tragic ending, but it seems I was sorely mistaken. A wonderful job.
Muffin'sback chapter 16 . 11/4/2011
Tall Tails - Feline Jaye chapter 16 . 10/14/2011
Aw, always looking for him.

Nice story (but, gah! Heartwrenching in places).
bluebloodmortal chapter 16 . 7/14/2011
Oh god, you have got to write a another sequel! If you dont...i think i might just die. This-there are no words for this story or "Behind the Green Door" it is so realistic and the characters are so real. There was absolutley no wrong in this gorgeuos story. Oh please write a third installment!

Lots of love- Jess
Keladrion chapter 16 . 7/13/2011
I love it, and I love your writing. Your ending as right, they are not necessarily the good ones, the sad ones or the happy ones, but they are always the right ones. They fit perfectly with the story. You get people who are convinced they must have a happy ending, or a sad one, i love your writing for the writing, which is very good and puts across what it's meant to with the right amount of detail ect, and because they always turn out how you feel they should.

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