Reviews for Over Complexity is a Wonderful Thing
PhinabellaStories.18 chapter 2 . 6/23
Yeah definitely distract someone by hitting them with a metal chair
Guest chapter 3 . 1/2/2016
Dude, your name is funny. Are you german or do you just like german things? Nun ja, Deutsch ist eine schwierige Sprache, wenn man nicht damit aufgewachsen ist, aber wer weiß? Vielleicht hast du den Namen ja nur von Google-Übersetzter und versetehst kein Wort von dem, was ich schreibe.
Nice story, although I haven't finished it yet.
OrangeSunset1701 chapter 24 . 4/2/2015
This escalated quickly. Ah, well, it was good!
Guest chapter 5 . 6/23/2014
lol loved the "truck driving girl" part on the way to the hospital, and also loved the AN! poor Phineas...
Guest chapter 2 . 6/23/2014
antidisestablishmentarianism? seriously? that's their excuse? Isabella needs to find a dictionary and look up the meaning of that word.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/23/2014
thanks! I never really liked the perry plots in fanfiction. so far the story's good!
HeinzDoofenshmirtz chapter 8 . 7/28/2013
Hey, I have perks in my life that make it more tolerable. Like, for example, watching dreams fail, seeing people's lives lose meaning, and those big packs of Twizzlers at the movie theaters, THOSE are good.
GodOfUnity chapter 29 . 7/11/2012
Ah, I remembered reading this fic a few years back. It was and still is probably the PnF fanfic I've ever read. The storyline was great, the action and adventure was exciting, and the romance in this story wasn't half bad compared when compared to previous romance stories I've read on this fandom. I'm really glad I took the time to read this story since I usually read one-shots, it was damn well worth it.
doofenshmirtzevilincemployee chapter 32 . 11/30/2011
WHAAAT? My brain is going to EXPLODE with all this knowledge! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! *twitches insanely* That was the AWESOMEST story ever in the history of fanfiction. You really had a lot going on in the story. Every time something good happens, something bad happens. I can't wait to see the sequel! It'd better be good, or, sadly, you will be taken off my list of epic fanfiction for P&F (and yes, I actually keep a list). You are an amazing writer. Make sure you contact Disney to see if you can create an authorized book...
Queen of Sneaks chapter 23 . 8/13/2011
Woah, you speak Germa-Oh. Right. The Platypus. Stupid me...
Queen of Sneaks chapter 22 . 8/13/2011
You know, I just realized how demented this story is, in an awesome way. The cartoon is about believing you can do something an seizing the day, and this fic is about guns and war...normally hate violence, but this is really well written.

~Queen Of Sneaks (Again.)~
Queen of Sneaks chapter 11 . 8/13/2011
That's kinda creepy...You published this WAY before the movie 'Across the Second Dimension,' and this fic is similar to it. And different. I like the plot, and love your word choice. Last, I really like how Ferb talked a lot all of a sudden; it reminded me of the salamander episode, when he gave that big speech. Anywho, love the story!

~Queen Of Sneaks~
yuukifan001 chapter 27 . 8/8/2011
D: You killed of Irving DX
actoz chapter 11 . 6/9/2011
wthmf [what the holy mother fuck] this is freakin creeping the hell out of me, you are describing the new phineas and ferb movie except the whole war part. plus not to be rude but you made a mistake, if there was a year of 2009, but phineas is 12, he's 10 in 2009 so it must be 2011 for him to be 12
Kaye Phantus chapter 32 . 3/9/2011
Coinky-dink? Sounds more like Dan and Swampy read fanfiction. Either way, I can't wait to see the 2nd dimension movie. Also, One Little Scare is my all-time favorite episode. And, FINALLY, PHINEAS SEES THE LIGHT! GEEZ, HE'S ALMOST AS BAD AS, oh wait you haven't read Max Ride. Oh well, he's still as clueless as Max and Fang.
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