Reviews for The Benefits of a Drunken Draco
Ivy chapter 1 . 1/2
Really liked it and I brought it to my friend so she can read it. Keep up the great work
Tondayala Cherise Dupre chapter 1 . 8/15/2010
this is just so goddamn cute! i rather adored it. it is well written too, which is rare enough to comment on. love from toni.
Merthurtilidie chapter 1 . 12/20/2009

This was Great!

I loved the 'He leaned back against the wall and murmuring, “This seems comfortable,” started to slide down the wall, his eyes closing.' bit. I could just imagine it


gaaralover51141 chapter 1 . 12/16/2009
aw how cute! i love it!
Nenne chapter 1 . 12/14/2009
I loved it!
Black Alice Butterfly chapter 1 . 12/14/2009
oh yes, I think that miss life coach WILL be very happy! XD


please update?
A-Hard-Days-Night chapter 1 . 12/14/2009
This was really cute! I enjoyed it, and I'm not usually one who reads this pairing. I do have a few suggestions, though.

I noticed a few times that you have two different people speaking within the same paragraph. Generally, when a new person speaks, they get their own paragraph. For example, you wrote:

"“What in the name of seven hells was all that about, Malfoy?” Malfoy sniffed. “I awoke a while ago..."

"I awoke a while ago" should have been the beginning of a new paragraph. Because of this, some - not all! - of your paragraphs were a bit on the long side.

My last point is that I wish you added a bit more between Draco talking to Ginny, and Harry and Draco getting together. It just seemed a bit quick and rushed.

With all that said, I did like this - especially "Unhand me at once, Potter."! I hope you write more :)