Reviews for Sparrow
Guest chapter 1 . 10/4/2011
This part hurt my heart:

"Instead God loved him, from his finely styled hair to the curse words he slipped under his breath, because he was special and cherished and just the way he was supposed to be. There would be no one that thought he was a disease that could be cured, a sin that could be prayed on or preyed on.

In his vision, Kurt didn't live by a label, but simply lived. And it was wonderful, and no one cared what side of the store he bought his jeans on because they were just pants and he liked the way they looked. He was successful and had family and friends who came over on Thursday nights to watch American Idol."

CaskettKlainer chapter 1 . 4/30/2011
Wow. That was amazing.
Ammodytus chapter 1 . 12/3/2010
Beautiful story.
ApplePie777 chapter 1 . 6/14/2010
This is so good, it made me cry.

You just went to the heart of it all, and Kurt's heart, and made me feel for him so much.

This is so favorited.
RebootUniverse chapter 1 . 6/2/2010
Your fic seems to have made some type of water-y substance leak from my eyes. Touche.
Ella Greggs chapter 1 . 5/4/2010
What an exquisite writing style you have. So expressive and insightful. I love all the little touches, such as 'Kurt dreams in black and white' and Kurt's fondness for scarves coming from the fact that his mother liked them. And your cynical but not quite jaded comments about Kurt's three options for his future. And, of course, the 25 minutes he spends on his hair because he wants it to look the way it did yesterday, but he doesn't want to miss spending time with his father. Just lovely impressions of Kurt and his life. Well done!
Kath the Dreamer chapter 1 . 5/4/2010
Very powerful story. You used a lot of amazing imaging and metaphors to create the story of Kurt's life, and I think you captured it perfectly. Nicely done.
Melusine2 chapter 1 . 4/28/2010
Please write more about Kurt T.T You write so well about him !
Another wonderful OS, I can't think about something else to say :)
Republic-Of-Heaven chapter 1 . 4/24/2010
This is really good! I love how the beginning and ending fit together and how Kurt is not as one-dimensional as he is in some fics.
UnnamedElement chapter 1 . 12/28/2009
Hi, Seeker!

I just realized that I never reviewed this, which is really a pity since it's on my favorites list and a really lovely one shot, so here goes.

You write FANTASTICALLY! I loved how the beginning and end tied together. Likewise, I'm a fan of making Kurt NOT one dimensional, which you just did fabulously, especially with the references to the war and AIDS,etc.

Anyway, do keep writing. Thanks for sharing this with us!


Dana Norram chapter 1 . 12/26/2009
This is truly beautiful.
prone2dementia chapter 1 . 12/24/2009
Just wanted to tell you that this was a great character piece - loved all the little nuances you slipped into it... 11:11, pretending to be normal on the football field... Was lovely.
iolah chapter 1 . 12/19/2009
This is absolutely fabulous. I love the part about Kurt wishing for a word without labels (more or less). The entire thing felt worldly at the same time as it was focused on Kurt's perceptive of the world and his life. The line about him crying into his mother's scarf was sad and wonderful. Very good fic!
Shannon chapter 1 . 12/18/2009
This was amazingly written! Kurt was completely in character, and I can see him doing this everyday. Beautiful story, and it was sad at parts too.

Oh, and to the person who criticized the American Idol error, maybe in Kurt's perfect world, Idol is on Thursdays because he's busy on Wednesdays :)
Guest chapter 1 . 12/18/2009
lovely story...
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