Reviews for The Egg that Stole Christmas
Misty Rius chapter 1 . 12/18/2011
It was the hardest thing ever to wait from July until the Holiday Season to read this, yet I managed.

This story is soooo adorable! I commend you on your ability to make good rhymes in a clever, In Character way. I also love how you kept to both storylines very well and still put in the technological Sonic Twist.

I can't even really find any constructive criticism for this! Which is surprising, as I'm usually difficult to impress.

Thanks for another amazing story, and hopefully you'll find time to update soon!

Until next time!

Happy Holidays!

Keep Writing,

Speedy1236 chapter 1 . 8/3/2010
Well, this might not be the right time for anything Christmas related... but...

It's just WOW. It's funny, it's a plot you could as well see made into a prose story... and it rhymes! Quite often at least! 3000 words, and almost none of the verses seem forced on. It reads fluently, makes sense, RHYMES, and... did I mention it's hilarious? :)

Just how long did it take you writing this?

peterskywalker chapter 1 . 1/13/2010
I am really sorry that i replied so late

It was becasue of Christmas and boy was it great.

There were many days where time went by fast.

And soon Christmas was a thing of the past.

I watched many films like it's a wonderful life

drank hot chocolate in our hot tub boy was that nice.

Played many board games hung out with my family

enjoying the fact there was no school whoopee

And then there was there was Christmas which was really great

Had a special breakfast which i quickly ate

Boy this rhyming stuff can be particularly hard.

And thus ends this poem I would make a bad bard

And I didn't even mention new years where i hate oliebollen (A dutch treat which is like a fried doughnut that you dip in powdered sugar.) By the way they were particularly good this year but that was probably becasue i helped make them

Anywho on the the review which will be in limerick form :P NOT!

Okay this was really and i mean REALLY good. The rhyming was done well, and it flowed really well for the most part. You seem like you know how the Grinch stole Christmas well because i know the story pretty well. (mostly form watching the cartoon version which i do every year during the holidays) The way you "sonicascized" the story was also done well. For example you made robotnic use technology to aid him in his capture of the presents. (By the way sonciascized is in all ways trademark me and cannot be used used without permission blah blah blah). If your still wondering what the word means it is kind of like the word fantasized. (Yeah yeah I'm no good at explaining the meaning of some of the things I say.) I also liked the small jokes you put in there such as in this line.

A quick glance at his jacket

And a look in the mirror,

He said, “Why, to Saint Nick himself

I couldn’t be nearer!”

I think i know who tails is suppose to imitate in this story as well *cough* Cind Lou Who who was no more then 2. Except tails isn't 2. Also it would be somewhat logical that tails can't tell that robotnic is not Santa because when you just wake up your mind isn't in a perfect state but that doesn't really matter that much to me. I'm no one for being a Spock.

Anyway i better rap this up. Here is a summary of what is important in what i said.

1. Story good

2. nothing bad about it

Well as you know i gotta speed keed.
Kami of the Silver Flame chapter 1 . 1/6/2010
This is a very amusing story, as I'm sure you intended it to be. Although, I must admit, parts of this made my head sting a bit. Hey, that rhymed! Er... that was because I had multiple headdesk moments. Actually, the ones I did have are really quite close to the ones I have whenever I read The Grinch that Stole Christmas, so... not bad. Though this is almost identical in story to TGtSC, it is clearly it's own story, and should be animated. Because it is just that awesome.
thebestaround101 chapter 1 . 12/19/2009
Very brilliant!

For some weird reason, the Sonic characters playing the rolls from "The Grinch" fits in a little to well. Tails's adolescence in combination with Eggman's evilness made this an awesome story!

I also found that reading this poem was very "fluent", or very "rythmatic" (not a word, but oh well). I rather enjoy that classic and simplistic way that some poems are written, with four simple lines (the first and third lines rhyming, as well as the second and fourth).

Really great read, and I look forward to the next chapter of "Incest"!
andrew97 chapter 1 . 12/19/2009
Nicely done! You are a very good poet!
A Reserved Deduction chapter 1 . 12/18/2009
While this seems like it would be an obvious idea, I still find it creative for some reason. I also found Eggman's storage laser as a clever way for him to steal everything while still fitting the techniques that he normally uses.

This is one poem I have to read aloud, probably because it is based off Dr. Seuss. The rhythm that you used made it quite easy to do so as it should. Some of the rhymes that use used, however, aren't really rhymes, so the poem feels awkward at those points.

Still, this fanfic makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, just like it should. Good writing!
Extreme Gear chapter 1 . 12/18/2009
Well, long time no see, huh? (Don't worry I didn't miss the end of "Things Best Forgotten," great ending btw.) Anyway, that was really good, you must've edited it a lot, yea? Can't wait to see more. Anyway Merry Christmas (I don't care for political correctness) and hope you get what you want. As for me, I'm saving up for a tablet and a Ness cosplay. I also got my laptop back in August so I should be able to finally get that story typed up and stuff, so be on the lookout and talk to ya later ;) (Btw I'm linking this to facebook so some of my friends can see it, hope ya don't mind)
DarkSword512 chapter 1 . 12/18/2009
Awesome XD (as always) Very close to the original, but at the same time, has its own element. I say it's close to the original, I've never actually read it, I've only seen the film :P Still, an awesome Christmas special XD

... I've still got it in my head of a green egg with a santa hat and sack. XP