Reviews for A Thief by Any Other Name
VanessaxAtalanta chapter 4 . 10/11/2014
No joke, this is pretty much exactly what I came looking for when I started searching for Redemptionshipping fics: game-verse (but logical), gradual development, strong plot and, oh yeah, Crystal/Kris isn't a giggling, swooning girly-girl. (I feel like Lyra's design was a slap in the face for every practical female to ever play the games. One does not go hiking in thigh socks.)
Here's hoping you continue this-it's really, really worth it(_).

Lycadius chapter 4 . 5/8/2012
Until the next chappy.
Lycadius chapter 3 . 5/8/2012
I still wonder how Myst got to that lake...
Lycadius chapter 2 . 5/8/2012
I never usually used herbs or roots on my pokémon because of their bitterness.
Lycadius chapter 1 . 5/8/2012
And that was the start of a beautiful relationship- I mean friendship!
PikaPikaChuChu chapter 4 . 2/13/2011
I'm liking this story so far :)

Can't wait to read more. Please keep updating it :D
blueschist chapter 4 . 2/4/2011
I really enjoy this story, I've got to say. Here's hoping that you continue it.

My only complaint, just like everyone else, is that Silver cusses too much for it to sound like natural dialogue. I'm quite foulmouthed myself, and some of the places where he decides to insert the word 'fucking' interrupt the natural flow of the sentence. Swearing like a sailor is obviously a habit of Silver's, but the way he cusses makes it seem like he's only a beginner at the sport.

Also, I know this is first person narrative, and thus in the mind of a teenage girl, but she ends too many thoughts with 'or something'.

I really like how, in the course of only four chapters, Kris has grown more bitter just by being exposed to Silver. I'm also anxious to see how their bet turns out, and any more encounters they will have with Gold and Lyra.
Skully L. Wolf chapter 1 . 12/4/2010
i miss reading this
Bakanishi chapter 4 . 11/21/2010
Its a good idea :DD But maybe making Silver i little less of a Jackass would make it better :3

But then again thats just me
Sakura Lisel chapter 1 . 10/7/2010
Oh come. I can't believe Gold, Lyra and the professor were really going to accuse her of stealing the dratini. Even if it WAS somehow the same dratini that had been reported stolen the other day, why the heck would she come to the lab and ask what type of pokemon it was, if she didn't even know the species name of the pokemon she supposedly stole? Besides, despite being malnourished, did the dratini ACT like it the human who had it had mistreated it or was trying to get away from her now that the thievery jig was up? *lol*
kaori kuni chapter 4 . 8/18/2010
Like it! :)

My only suggestion.. is that maybe you could add some variety on Silver. He's like, a douché, but a little boring, predictable (as he'll always badmouth whatever's happening at the moment) Maybe give him other colours?
Krait chapter 4 . 8/17/2010
So far, it is very well written!

Wow, Silver is such a jackass XD.

I really look forward for an update. Keep it up!
Mantinas chapter 4 . 8/17/2010
Awesome! It's time to battle!...And it's the first gym battle out of 8? And then...Was it the Four then Kanto? Or Kanto THEN the Four? ! And then...The GAME FILLER!...You'll do fine.

DenyVicious chapter 1 . 6/25/2010
i like this story yes i do! :DD crystal is my fav and i was devastated that they replaced her, so thank you for showing her some love! lol

landshark3509 chapter 3 . 6/24/2010
Ooh, I like this. I like the neat reference to that little pond on Route 46 that had Dratini in it. And your portrayal of Silver is great.
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