Reviews for The Road Not Taken
Jadzia Bear chapter 1 . 4/3/2010
I love fics that show us what the characters are thinking at particular moments in the show, and I love where you went with this. Thank you!
Red Bess Rackham chapter 1 . 1/27/2010
Nice, haha. I really like the "all kinds of compromisin’" bit - very Mal-sounding. :D Great job as usual!

kittn chapter 1 . 12/31/2009
Poor Mal! :/ Good short, though. Nice writing!
writtenwordlover chapter 1 . 12/24/2009
This had me thinking thoughts about Mal I hadn't considered before, a good use of just a few words to evoke those kinds of thoughts when describing his moment of transgression.

Glad to see you back in this verse.
Katesfriend chapter 1 . 12/24/2009
Interesting thoughts of what went on in Mal's mind in those few seconds of screen time. As usual you hint at much more than your sentences convey. I wonder at Mal's past, his recent past and his distant past with your words. So what DOES make up Mal? Because of your brevity and unanswered questions, I want to know more. Wonderful little piece as usual - thanks for sharing!