Reviews for Notes of Endearment
sukidaisuki chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
sings i love u u might love me we could start one big family.. xD hope my lyrics are correct, im too lazy to check it! btw.. Nice one , cereal! :3
AndreggvilJammer chapter 1 . 2/21/2011
Man, this cracked me up. :) Good job.
Chennah chapter 1 . 8/8/2010
I like the 'remix of barney song' very much. *nods in with hand cupping chin* And yeah, that's it.
KidTantei chapter 1 . 7/7/2010
Yup, definitely weird ways of asking someone out. What a nice read for relaxation. XD
bleepyoucantfindmebloopblurp chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
I LOVE THIS! HAHAHAHAHA! I couldn't stop laughing! You just got me in love with that stupid song! :D

ameithyst05 chapter 1 . 2/2/2010
Hoee! Cute! Cute! Love it! (:
Winter's Melody chapter 1 . 1/20/2010
Love this story, especially all the lame love notes, now I wanna slip a couple into peoples lockers to see how they react :D
Maizz chapter 1 . 1/6/2010
OH MY GAWSH STREETZ! I forgot to review! I feel like a bad person. D:

Okay, LOL. THIS WAS HILARIOUS. “Luna is bi, and you never know about Hotaru… I mean, she’s so mean and distant to the opposite sex and aren’t teenagers supposed to be raging with hormones? Besides, Mikan is always all over her! OH MY GOD! Maybe those two have some forbidden lesbian relationsh-! Ow! What’s that for?” - LOL. Ahaha, that was funny man.

I am naturally a Koko and Sumire fan. I LOVE THIS TOO BITS. X) Good job, Streetz~

Corvus corone chapter 1 . 1/5/2010
Aww, cute fic!

I swear, every time I see your username I think, "Oh yeah, that's _ and I think I know her" but then I, er, always forget why I should know you.

Random notes aside, I really enjoyed reading this fic. (Of course, Narumi's appearance made it even better. ) And this, among other things (but I'm saying this because I happen to be scrolling past this sentence right now) “Well… I’m not sure yet! But! It’ll be ten times worse than what I said!" made me lol. As well as the random "And hey!" in the first note.

Mikan is so cute - a retort about the price of paper? Aw.

Anyway, I'm kinda tired and I have to get off the computer, so I'll stop this review here (yes, I probably do say that at the end of all my reviews, but hey). Yay for Sumire/Koko and I didn't even know there was a Secret Santa thing going on, so I do hope that next year it will be more well known.
buttcake chapter 1 . 1/1/2010
This brought the LOLs out of me. (: Heh. Koko is a genius for thinking of all of those poems. Barney remix...Pfft.

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year~

As today was the start of the new year, I didn't expect the April Fools prank girlfriend proposal. (: But still, ROFLMFAO~

Great job!
foxtrotelly chapter 1 . 12/29/2009
Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver.

Didn't you know? :o XD

Aw and I absolutely loved the profanity Permy used on the friggen' piece of crumpled paper. Cocoa Puff is still so adorable, (AH I LOVE YOU KOKO) and if you asked me, I'd say being a Scottish gangstah the way to go. ;)

But... wasn't that Irish? :o

Oh yeah, I suddenly remembered something.

In your note, when you mentioned the sarcastic title, I looked up at the title bar of my window and then got it. O_O Hahaha, yeah, I'm slow. XD
Romantically Loveless chapter 1 . 12/25/2009
Holy shiz nits.

Good job, ST dear.

But I shall eat you anyway. ;)

I'm glad you didn't hint HxR in here.


Merry Xmas, jelly!

- RL.
sadisticsoldier chapter 1 . 12/24/2009
this will definitely go to one of my kokoxsumire fanfics..ahaha.. those two are so sweet.. .. i so love it.. tnx for making it.:) god bless and merry christmas to you.. -

Heartbroken Confession chapter 1 . 12/24/2009
Yo, homie.

Aights, reviewing as I read! :)

Teehee. I loved the Odyssey... good book. LOL. Koko wishes he was as ghetto as me ;D Okay. So I'm not ghetto at all.

You made Luna bi? LMAO. Hotaru.. oh gosh. Hotaru x Sumire does NOT work... at least. I don't think it does... O.O LMFAO. Mikan Hotaru lesbian relationship.. oh gosh.

I wish I could tape shut the mouths of annoying kids in my grade... :)

I'm betting the admirer is actually Koko. But then again, I'm probably wrong. Lol. Hotaru and her money...

LMFAO. Sexual innuendo.

Scottish Koko... Koko in a kilt... m. :) Koko dressed up like Johnny Depp... drool time.

"I'm not lying to my child." Priceless.

Aww. It was an April Fool's Day thing. That's cute :)

Oh. Are those really the Barney lyrics?



Aw, thanks deary. That was cute :)
teh-crazeh-one chapter 1 . 12/24/2009
Actually, I wasn't the one who ORIGINALLY thought of the idea. It was Amicus... long story. :) But thank you for the credit, I guess. Love you! :)

And lol. Koko, you amazing weirdo. I love him so much. He makes me laugh. :D

Have you seen him cry, though? It was so sad. Gakuen Alice chapter 124. So sad. :(

But anyway. Cool oneshot! I'm sure Jai will like it. Haha. You did great, hun! :)

Love yah.


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