Reviews for Scientific Experiments
RowenaIsKween chapter 1 . 5/20/2015
LoL, Ashley...
Di-Bee chapter 1 . 2/13/2010
I liked the mistletoe one, but that one is even better! I think I might have already read it before (and hadn't reviewed at such poiint) though I now regrete but for the part that I had the pleasure to read it again

Really funny, especially the whole ahsley teleporting thing, and the Helen/James though it's not one of my favorite pairing. Nice story!


Surreal Squirrel chapter 1 . 1/25/2010
Cute. I never thought of them together though.
ShadowWolf43 chapter 1 . 1/14/2010
Helen/Watson? Never heard that one before.
Cowboy1 from SFA chapter 1 . 12/29/2009
Nice little one shot, very amusing!
J.Stone chapter 1 . 12/26/2009
"Her perfect figure"?

Uh, have you seen Tapping body lately, but anyway very good chapter. Thanks
Dubbers chapter 1 . 12/26/2009
Wonderful. Very good piece of writing, rather humourous also. And don't we all just love nubbins? I think I've suddenly remebered why I like this pairing. Good work.

xiratania chapter 1 . 12/26/2009
Sque! I love Helen/Watson!

"James shifted uncomfortably as he tried not to stare at Helen's...backside." This makes me giggle madly! The whole thing is funny. Ashley walking in on them is priceless.

"It was a kiss full of slow burning heat mixed with intense desire and passion. It was a century's worth of longing and need rolled into a single gesture. Helen thought she might burst into flames from it alone. When his hands began to find their way under her garments rational thought fled from her mind. She was just about finish undoing his pants when the door banged open."

WOW all I can say is YES PLEASE! This is HOT!

I love that nubbins can now be used for anything. Nubbins are the best thing the dream team could have ever done for fanfiction. Thank you so much for writing me some Helen/Watson. This is my favorite Christmas present so far. I am all giddy now!
melissaadams22 chapter 1 . 12/26/2009
Hey there,

WOW GREAT work! You captured the dynamic that was quickly established between Helen and Watson before he died and it's GREAT, fantastic, WONDERFUL! YAY, GREAT.
