Reviews for A Fowl's Indulgence
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE chapter 1 . 5/22
Ah, yes, classic ron speak
A Human chapter 8 . 5/21
Please continue this story. It is well-written and interesting.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE chapter 8 . 5/20
Anonymus chapter 8 . 10/6/2019
This fan fiction was absolutely brilliant ! It was enjoyable af and it was just splendid ! The only complaint was that it was too short and I was quite disapointed when I found out that this had only eight chapters. Could you please continue this and make this fan fiction as thick as a real book ?
P.S: I also reviewed earlier but the review wasn't very enthuseastic.
PP.S: Sorry if I misspelled anything !
Anonymous chapter 1 . 10/6/2019
It was exellent.
Ordalie Gwynfyd chapter 8 . 3/29/2019
WHY did it have to end with this cliffhanger, damnit. It was a wonderful reading until now.
Even if this story seems to no have been updated since years, I'm still going to ad it to my alert list because, damnit, this is an very good story. And I REALLY want to read Holly and Hermione's conversation.
aaaahhhhaaahhhaahhaha chapter 1 . 12/7/2018
I really like the idea of Artemis as a teacher! Great first chapter too!
Silvershadowe chapter 1 . 11/24/2018
You ever find something that was exactly what you didn’t know you were looking for? Because that’s exactly how I felt reading this fanfic! I love the idea of Artemis teaching instead of being a student — it honestly fits him better — and lemme tell you, finding anything about Atlantis Complex (probably my fave one) is so. hard. So imagine my delight when I find one with Atlantis, a plot, and good writing! (now imagine my devastation upon seeing the last update date upon finishing the last chapter at four in the morning) If you’re still active on this site, which I dearly hope you are, it’d be a major loss if you’re no longer writing, I hope you’ll consider updating! You left on suc r, man. Anyway, I’m still holding out hope! Please consider! Thanks!
(Also I see your Cirque du Freak référence and I’ g)
Guest chapter 8 . 2/24/2018
Please update soon!
The Priest chapter 8 . 6/14/2017
R.I.P. Alarose you wrote an amazing story and while it is a great shame that you died, before its completion we will remember it and you in some memory of fondness... Alt14
hope.rose.dawnstar chapter 8 . 2/24/2017
Why does it has to stop here? Aaargh! I'm finding all these awesome Harry Potter & Artemis Fowl crossovers, but so many of them seem to have been abandoned halfway through, particularly at really exiting moments.
TheMerlinianDaily chapter 8 . 9/22/2016
i loved this fic so much 33 pretty please update it soon, i cant wait to read the rest of the story ˆ_ˆ
Guest chapter 1 . 5/3/2016
I prefer Tokyo Ghoul and Avengers crossover
Bluey chapter 2 . 4/5/2016
Those Royal Vampires... they couldn't be the vampires from Darren Shan could they?
Raxacoricania chapter 8 . 1/6/2016
Write oooooooon! Write oooooooon! Wow, this is wonderful and I can't wait for the next chapter!
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