Reviews for 5 Years
uffauffauffa chapter 1 . 9/25/2017
Hi, I like your story so much. LEAH falls in love again and with the same intensity as her first love. And Jacob remembers this feeling, despite the imprinting. LEAH's fears are more than natural. He first loved Bella very much, then LEAH came to help the wolf boy to endure the pain, and finally Renesmee came to risk, if not now, to take the boy away in the future. It could happen, but LEAH will fight to make human heart love triumph over the love supernatural one. And maybe Jacob will do the same. After all he has the example of Sam and the way he left totally go with Emily despite he loved so much (and still) LEAH.
I'm sorry for the bad translation.
Weave the Magic chapter 1 . 4/3/2014
Actually, Renesmee can always grow up thinking that 'Uncle' Jake is Aunt Leah's partner, like her dad and mom, Uncle Emmett and Aunt Rose, Uncle Jasper and Aunt Alice, grandpa and grandma. All of them she can count on, most specially Uncle Jake.
PenguinCullen06 chapter 1 . 7/13/2013
wow, love this, u truly have a way with words! :) you've captured Leah's personality perfectly and the repetition of 5 years not only emphasizes her worry but also makes the story really intense - I really want to know what happens in the space of the 5 years! You should write more I love it! :)
PastOneonta chapter 1 . 4/1/2013
Way to go Leah and Jake! What werewolf w ith integrity would imprint on a half va mpire newborn? In 5 years Reneesme will be long gone.
HalcyonSeasons chapter 1 . 3/16/2013
Jakenesmee can suck it. Blackwater conquers. Nice job.
AliMariexxx chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
This is beautiful! I always hoped that Jake would end up with Leah, when I read the original books and really feel for Leah. She never got her happy ever after, and in my opinion she should have been with Jake! I really enjoyed this x
ssq chapter 1 . 6/1/2011

So I thought I might start reading all your fics one by one but I only had little time today so I thought I would start with this wonderful one-shot. Can I just say how much I LOVED this!

You have a wonderful talent for writing and really getting into the skin of the character. I think my favorite line was "She did nothing to earn that love." I could see how much effort Leah put into going out of her way to always support Jake.

Also, this line really struck me as beautiful "So young and she's already had it all; a mother and a father, a family, money, immortality, and Jacob Black" I love how Leah's equating having the love of Jacob Black to having all those other things. Here, her love for him truly shows.

I'm glad you made them end up together. I have one question though. In your head, are they still together after five years or does Jake break Leah's heart? I find it hard to believe that Jake would do such a thing when he promised to love her. Just curious :)

Great job, Stella!
ellie82 chapter 1 . 2/23/2011
I don't know how I feel, not about the story - it was a really sweet one shot, but I'm scared for Leah because it's just five years. I hate imprinting and I hope Jacob is the one to fight it!
MusicIsLife11 chapter 1 . 11/26/2010

Five. Freaking. Years.
o0FLAM3S0o chapter 1 . 11/12/2010
Adorable one-shot
angel eyes1 uk chapter 1 . 6/8/2010
I love this, Jake and Leah would have been a lot happier ending :) I always feel SM gave Leah a rough deal - thank heavens for fanfiction!
laurazuleta18 chapter 1 . 3/18/2010
Loved it!

So cute!

BTW, when are u gonna post for The two sides of the moon? I totally love that story! Please update sooN!
BeautifulPieces chapter 1 . 2/7/2010
Its amazing
Kats Flower Girls chapter 1 . 1/8/2010
OK have no idea how I missed this one shot cuz I know I have you on author alert, maybe it got lost in the 50 emails I still have left to check, LOL!

Alissa IDK who you are but I already like you for getting Stella to write this amazing one shot!

I love it! It's total perfection! I love Leah & Jake together! So wonderful!

This is a great idea, 5 years before Ness matures if Jake fights for Leah's love! I love how she called the cliff 'our cliff' I think that confrontation was such an important changing point in they're relationship & then when they hunted together that just cemented everything...

I totally teared up when Leah dreamed about Jake saying he loved her back then he catches her thinking about him, Oh so perfect!

Then Jake there waiting for her in her room, awesome! Confessing his love for her & kissing her senseless, priceless!

Then the killer A/N... yes PLEASE! I want more TTSOOM, gotta have it & can't wait! You are such a creative & amazing writer & you just keep getting better!
Californian Mountain Snake chapter 1 . 12/31/2009
Thats a real good one! even if i never wished for a romance between them its good and if it happens like this i would be happy for them:-P
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