Reviews for There Were Days
Iamafanoftoomanythingstoname chapter 16 . 3/16
This is an excellent story. It was good to see the lengths everyone went to save Dr. McCoy's life, keeping his mind intact! I liked your characterization of Bones' daughter a lot; you really brought her to life.
Beyondtoday chapter 16 . 7/28/2018
anko chapter 16 . 4/21/2018
Lots of love to your writing style and to your stories!
Kay Hau chapter 16 . 3/27/2018
Whoa. That was amazing. I am SO GUILTY for not thinking much of the characters Christine Chapel and Dr. McCoy in the past! I never saw the original series, and all I heard from people talking about it was that apparently the nurse was 'just there to be sexy' and the doctor was 'totally racist' - THEY WERE SO WRONG! They are both amazing characters, and nurses and doctors are hands down the most important and amazing people aboard any starship! How dare any writers think nurses would become 'unnecessary' with a good enough computer/hologram/system etc! OR degenerate them to 'the doctor's help' - it's an entirely different job! Thank you so much, sorry for the rant, and wow I have a WAY stronger appreciation for the field of nursing now! AMAZING job!
FrankieHS chapter 16 . 11/20/2017
What a wonderful story! The medical details were great, even more so because they were accurate details. (And can I just say that as they were considering pain meds, when the combo was brought up, I had the same thought as McCoy about the neuro pain componentwhy didn't that occur to me sooner!) As a veterinarian, I don't deal with exactly the same kinds of things that you do, but it sure was fun already knowing most of the lingo. It was included so naturally, and you explain things quite well.

Bravo! This absolutely goes on my "Most Favoritest Star Trek Stories List" .I look forward to reading it again later!
mckydstarlight chapter 16 . 2/1/2017
I'm just going to tell you that this is beautiful. I enjoyed every second of it, from the minute medical details that made the story believable to the spot on characterization of each person within it. I was at the book store yesterday looking at all of the official Star Trek books that they have and I couldn't help but think to myself that I was reading something cheaper and a whole hell of a lot better written than anything that that bookstore could offer me. McCoy has always been close to my heart and seeing him and his relationship with Kirk, Spock, and the rest of the crew through your eyes has deepened the love I have for his character even more. I hope you continue writing more for TOS in the future. I also have plans to read all of the Supernatural and Sherlock fanfiction that you have to offer as well. Stay strong, always keep fighting, and God bless.
Love a fellow Trekkie/Hunter/Sherlockian.
mckydstarlight chapter 10 . 2/1/2017
You know how you wrote this in night long marathons? Well I'm reading it in one.
mckydstarlight chapter 6 . 2/1/2017
I did a tiny little victory dance when he opened his eyes. #imnotcryingyourecrying
Guest chapter 16 . 1/1/2017
Just wanted to say that this is an awesome story, and I agree. I was very disappointed with the role Bones had in the reboot so far (ST and STID). He was always my favorite character in the original series, and I loved his affectionate banter with Spock and Kirk, and I hate how they cut out a lot of that with the new movies, giving him almost no character development...but I honestly love your stories...excellent quality.
~ Whovianeverlark17
DancingInTheDark85 chapter 16 . 12/20/2016
I've read this avidly over the last few days. So glad you got round to finishing it despite real life giving you a kicking. The charactisation and attention to detail has been amazing and even though I always knew McCoy's team would come through for him in the end I was gripped.
I wanted to say is that I, and I'' sure many other writers, loved all the medical jargon and it's explanations. Due to a few medical issues of my own lately I know more than the average non-medical person but I still find it a difficult thing to write as there's a lot of terminology and numbers. Hoping to use your explanations in the future so it kind of looks like I have half an idea of what I'm writing about.
PS: Completely agree with you about Into Darkness, it was very much the 'Kirk and Spock show'. It wasn't until the latest movie that I felt the characters were handled better. Even then I felt like there was just enough McCoy to give me a real soft spot for him, while at the same time not giving him near enough. Hence I suppose my fanfic attempts to rectify the issue.
Thanks for writing and I hope you're doing okay.
ThePro-LifeCatholic chapter 16 . 11/7/2016
Very well-written. Everything was so wonderfully wrapped up; no loose ends. And the nod you gave to the mirror universe was a marvelous little addition that I didn't see coming. I enjoyed how thorough and genuine the medical information was. I could tell that you have an extensive knowledge of the subject matter. I also love your characterizations of Chapel and Johanna; two characters, one who isn't seen at all and the other who, unfortunately, seemed to be glossed over during the series.

All in all, my ranting is really just to say that this is a well-thought-out, wonderfully executed story. Congrats for such a gem of a fic!
Guest chapter 16 . 11/7/2016
He's okay! He's okay! He's really okay and going to be okay and now they're basically having a Thanksgiving feast and celebrating that he's okay...

Hmm, sounds like I need the reassurance just as much as Johanna, Chris, Jim, Spock, and the others do - you really had me anxious there!

To be honest I almost didn't even click on this. "Oh, just another story where somebody gets hurt and almost dies and it's all tragic and angst," plus I'd already been kind of scared away by "Untitled," which while brilliantly executed was, well, really sad, and I couldn't bear to read 17 chapters of it unless there was going to be a happy ending. So, I peeked at the reviews for this one, and then screwed up the courage to start and... well, it was just so well written I couldn't stop! Every time it got too tragic for me you brought in some hope or character development to help me hang in there awhile longer.

There are a lot of attempts at injury/hurt/comfort stories where even someone like me with no medical training at all can tell that the injuries don't make any sense (like how often is someone unstable and incoherent and requiring protection, and then suddenly, inexplicably fine when it's another character's turn to nosedive? And everybody just gets concussions, like, every single time...) and so many that fall into character cliche, but I have never seen or expected to find this level of medical expertise in a fanfiction, especially combined with this level of sensitivity to character portrayal. While I could wish that you had detailed more with the recovery, you'd already given us several chapters and I suppose it had to end sometime (people always wish for more when they are emotionally invested, so that's a compliment:) and you definitely gave us the closure that we needed. *repeats* "He's okay, he's okay, he's really okay, they're all okay... I need to go do my homework now and leave them celebrating around that table, they'll still be there if I need to come back and check on them..."* Thank you!
My Beautiful Ending chapter 16 . 3/23/2016
I. Love. This. Story. I cried and laughed and punched the air the whole way through, and all your knowledge of medicine made it 1000% times better and more interesting. You really captured every single character. I fell in love with Johanna McCoy and her interactions with the crew, and straight up cheered at the end. And after an intensely stressful day, THIS was honestly the perfect catharsis and emotional outpouring and rest for my soul. Thank you for this.
SnidgetHex chapter 16 . 1/5/2016
I just LOVE this story!
Your Star Trek stories really are one of the best I ever read!
tanseynz chapter 16 . 8/29/2015
Enjoyed this immensely. I have a real soft spot for the ST crew out of plain sight, and, like you, think the filmakers do them a real disservice by pretending only the core characters actually make a difference.
Brilliantly written and entirely engrossing.
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