Reviews for Let me comfort you
BeffyBeth chapter 1 . 6/7/2012
Peya Luna chapter 1 . 3/25/2011
really good - especially for a first time ;-) but seriously, the atmosphere was good, everyone was in character, and the sex-scene was detailed without getting dirty or worse, clichéd. as for the length, that comes on its own the more you write.
Fablehaven chapter 1 . 5/22/2010
Great first story. Didn't know you had it in you ;). I'm not very used to Buffy fics OR that pairing, but it was good. I heard you were doing a Naruto one? Can't wait. You should write a story with your OC in Naruto world or something. I would be sure to read it :D.
fallenflames chapter 1 . 12/31/2009
Hey, great story. Take a deep breath, you first fic is just fine. :) I'm not really sure what kind of tips I can give but I'll try. Umm... I liked that Willow was the forward one, pulling his lips back to hers and offering him comfort, instead of the other way around, it was different (of course, there's nothing wrong with Angel being the forward one... XD). And of course I really REALLY liked the couple. I like Angel/Willow much better than Angel/Buffy (I just don't really like her in general). And yay for Angel/Willow M-rated yumminess...

The only thing I would possibly change is toward the end, because Angel's body doesn't produce heat and his little swimmer's are dead, Willow most likely would have felt a shock of cold, not warmth, when Angel, uh, achieved his release. That's the only technicality I found.

Thank you for writing/posting this! It was a great way for me to start my day!