Reviews for The Yoite series
Guest chapter 13 . 3/15/2015
Oh my gosh xD this is fantastic! Please do continue!
Bubbles chapter 13 . 11/30/2011
Wow I thought this would be bad since some people just destroy the characters, but this story was really funny and made me smile. I hope you will keep adding on more chapters. Yukimi doesn't get as much "love" as he should. Keep it up :)
LittleMissElric chapter 13 . 10/3/2011
I don't even . . .

leave it to Yoite to choke on chopsticks.
LittleMissElric chapter 11 . 10/3/2011
I would PAY to play hide-and-seek with Miharu and Yoite! and I'd win, too!

Congrats on another great chapter!
LittleMissElric chapter 9 . 10/3/2011
at first I thought the 'little creatures' were kittens. in this kind of story, they're the ones who always get stuck in the rain. Leave it to Yoite to find a bunch of turles, lol~.
LittleMissElric chapter 7 . 10/3/2011
Yukimi you sick pervert! (send me the pics, man!)
LittleMissElric chapter 6 . 10/3/2011
LittleMissElric chapter 5 . 10/3/2011
Hah! Poor Yukimi! This was so funny!
Eveningnight chapter 13 . 7/9/2011

Will you continue this? It ended too quickly -.-
The Local Mastermind chapter 13 . 6/2/2011
Did this fanfiction die? I really liked it so now I'm all sad like.
brightstarlight chapter 13 . 5/24/2011
anything is possible for yoite! xD there are no boundries! and omg i couldnt stop giggling at this! xD this whole collection of yoite chapters are amazing! im sad that there are only 13 chapters :( i want more yoite-ness! xD

well done! :D so gonna reread this again someday when i ned a good laugh hahaha
brighstarlight chapter 12 . 5/24/2011
aww poor yoite but omg! xD i laughed so hard! reminds me of my brothers first experience with shaving! just like yoite he just thougt one day "hm maybe ill try shaving" and just like yoite it didnt go so good xD it was funny hearing him scream while put on the aftershave hahahahha epic xD
brightstarlight chapter 11 . 5/24/2011
the idea was great and so was this chapter! :D i liked it so much xD
brighstarlight chapter 10 . 5/24/2011
oh, yes, h apy day indeed!
brighstarlight chapter 9 . 5/24/2011
this chapter had a few small errors but i think that was because u were hurrying to get to class nd didnt read it over again but none the less! i loved it! xD honestly, the image of yoite playing with turtles is just soo cuuuuute! hhahha
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