Reviews for Sunlight in the Winter
xiar chapter 1 . 12/31/2009
Happy New Year! what a fic to start off the year :) MaixNatsuki rock. They are so adorable together... fluffy fluffy... As there is so little fic of them around. Thanks for writing and sharing. Best wishes for the year.
Major Mike Powell III chapter 1 . 12/31/2009
Well, well, love...

Damn it! Prime beat me to the punch! _

Well, still, there's no shame in the 2ยบ place. LOL


This was AW3SOME!

Full of MaiNat WIN!

LOL-sy, sweet'n FLUFFy! I LOEV that!

N-I-CE work, my dear beloved! Happy New Year!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
Beth Cyra chapter 1 . 12/31/2009
That was incredibly cute and I loved reading every second of it. Nao giving Natsuki hell was incredibly sweet as was the idea to have Natsuki be the one to cook since it is usually Mai doing the job. Not to mention how sweet it was when Nat confessed that she learned to cook by watching Mai, must admit I had a big dumb smile on my face from reading that.

Great work, it was a truly wonderful little piece, and although I only read MaiNat I hope to see future stories from you about them in the future, they are incredibly cute and sweet together, even when they are fighting.