Reviews for Under the Rose
HardyGirl chapter 38 . 4/16/2015
This story is the only reason I had a grudge against Raven.
x0allisonqt0x chapter 38 . 7/17/2014
I will never stop re-reading this story! Honesty, this whole universe you've created and written down is my favorite ever! Thank you so much for sharing it :)
Guest chapter 14 . 6/22/2013
i like hunter and batista :( why couldn't ya use some other people to die?(i've read this fic 3 times now)
Guest chapter 5 . 6/17/2013
geez...would hate to think what aj would've done if he HATED evan
loverboysgirl chapter 38 . 6/18/2012
nero hawkins chapter 29 . 4/17/2012
deaths that make me cry and question if they really deserved it:

nero jericho chapter 22 . 4/16/2012
*exhales*out of all the killings...this one saddens me more..suppose cause its shawn..and suppose cause JBL slowly burned...

*feels sick*meh..but even though you wrote this...must've shaken you up abit?
nero jericho chapter 15 . 4/16/2012
*trembles with rage*get ur skanky ass over here bitch!i'll do to you what HHH and JBL did to coddles and JoMo...and a side dish of what styles did to puppy
TheStereotypicalShipper chapter 3 . 2/26/2012
Wow. I'm reading this a year after this was finished. XD!
nero hardy chapter 31 . 1/7/2012
*hardens heart*raven deserved it...for what he did to my randy should've tortured hunter..but...with steph about..oh well.
nero chapter 23 . 1/7/2012
*feels sad slightly for what will be hunters fate*
nero hardy chapter 22 . 1/7/2012
'almost' felt sorry for JBL...but...considering he played a part...a mercy killing was at best.
nero hardy chapter 15 . 1/7/2012
Shawn walked in, seeing his pet so upset, "Shit, did it hit him?""Nope" Jeff sighed, nestling his head into his pillow to try and get some sleep "He just saw his reflection."

that would've been funny if not for the seriousness...*whimpers*oh god oh god..cody...punky
nero hardy chapter 13 . 1/7/2012
*moans*not my but cody.*weeps*my pooer jeffy...oh god wheres my punky
nero hardy chapter 10 . 1/7/2012
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