Reviews for NiGHTS Into Dreams
OMNISENSE95 chapter 10 . 10/19/2012
This ending would have been a little more interesting if you edited it so that Claris pulls Elliot onto the stage and starts singing "Dreams, Dreams". But, the key point is the song.
shokokchan chapter 1 . 6/22/2008
Wow, this is so cool

...besides the fact that I haven't played the original Nights game, I really enjoy this! _
Songbird of the End chapter 9 . 6/17/2008
Hi, me again. :)

Sweet. I hope the next chapter gets finished soon.
Sharkette126 chapter 10 . 6/17/2008
WOOT! You finally finished! GREAT ending! I'm very satisfied!
Sharkette126 chapter 8 . 1/1/2008
Hiya, ya, I know this fic hasn't been worked on in forever, but it's incredibly EVIL of you to leave us sitting here like this... x.x I gotta be honest with you, this is the BEST piece I have EVER read here on FanFiction. Is there possibly someplace I can find the last chapter or will I have to sit here forever wondering? (No, I've never played the game, no, I do not have the console, yes, I hope to get it AND the game someday.)
The 1 Yoshi chapter 9 . 3/7/2006
Aw man can't any story I read on this site be finished? I do hope you have future plans to continue it. Because I really want to know what happens at the end. I only have one question what made you stop? By the way this is the only adaptation of the original game I can find. Most others are Christmas NiGHTS and I can't find anything on the internet.
Alex Warlorn chapter 7 . 7/14/2005
How could you stop here? Right here? All you had left was after the dream. After writing that we could all have our happy ending!

Why stop here? And did you know it was NiGHTS' ninth aniverary last week? No kidding! Please. One, last, go! For Ellot and Claris to face the problems their nightmares told them they'd fail at, and to meet in the real world . . .
Alex Warlorn chapter 9 . 7/14/2005
How could you stop here? Right here? All you had left was after the dream. After writing that we could all have our happy ending!

Why stop here? And did you know it was NiGHTS' ninth aniverary last week? No kidding! Please. One, last, go! For Ellot and Claris to face the problems their nightmares told them they'd fail at, and to meet in the real world . . .
VictoriazSecret1 chapter 9 . 1/28/2005
hey there! i actually aint VictoriazSecret1. im only borrowing her name till my email works. lost my password and cant recover it due to a broken email. V.V, Well, i wanted to let you know that THIS STORY IS AWESOME! I LUV IT BETTER THAN THE GAME! WE! WHEN I GET MY EMAIL FIXED, IM GONNA PUT THIS STORY IN MY FAVS B4 ANYTHING ELSE! YOU ARE SO GOOD! I LOVED IT! *worships you*

Victoria: I am the owner of this username and wanted to say im gonna put u in my favs too! NiGHTS is such a bishie! i wish Reala didnt die!
RazorCardz01 chapter 9 . 10/27/2004
Dude this story ROX! You know, I've never played the game before but hell, this sounds alot better from what I heard. You should continue it. Wiat, what am I saying? You hAVE to continue it or my waffle gang will punish you!
foofums chapter 9 . 7/25/2004
Wow! Great chapter! Keep up the great work, it's awesome!
Vergessener Held chapter 2 . 7/12/2004
This is a story that screams to have the game remade. You've done an amazing job.
not sayingnambe chapter 8 . 6/29/2004
thank you! with out you i woulda never know da story! is 6/26...which . -.-'
foofums chapter 8 . 4/5/2004
CLIFFHANGER? darn it... oh, well! I wanna see more. **now i want the game even more** please update... :soon:! _
foofums chapter 1 . 4/4/2004
no, never played the game, nor do I care, THIS IS AWESOME! of course have to review the first chapter and i am on my way to read the other ones... good luck on later chapters!
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