Reviews for The Ancient Kingdom
sade chapter 14 . 5/13
please tell me you are still writing this story its one of my favourites, i would really like go see how you are ending it
Nemhain2009 chapter 14 . 11/20/2018
:D great story!
Guest chapter 14 . 9/19/2016
Looking very forward to the continuation!
Matsuyama chapter 1 . 2/3/2016
Hey !
This story is reeeeally good !
Amazing imagination !
The flow is pretty good, just like the boys persona, I more then buy it !
I would really like to see the end of it...hope you come back someday !
Kiss, wish you well!
J chapter 14 . 9/11/2015
I hope that this wonderful beginning is able to have an end as well. Absolutely fantastic story
duaimei chapter 14 . 10/17/2014
Thank you! This has a wonderful story premise. Too bad it seems to have been abandoned.
PleiadesWolfe chapter 14 . 7/21/2013
I know you haven't updated this story in a while either but I couldn't help myself. It just sounded too good not to read and I do love this fic also. I hope you are planning on continuing your stories.
MakingMelody chapter 14 . 8/15/2012
I really like this I hope you are not done with this. I've really enjoyed reading this. Thanks
yr1104 chapter 14 . 7/17/2012
This is a really nice story. I can't wait to see what happens with the necromancer and Relena. Hope for an update soon.
ocean's pebble chapter 11 . 5/29/2012
Wow, I really like how this story is going, but I have to admit I was a little disappointed when you brought in the wolves. I kind of thought/hoped you were going to have them be the Gundams, but oh well. I'm sure you've got great stuff planned!
crazypianoman chapter 14 . 2/7/2012
Please continue this story! I love your work and need to know what happens next!
LovelyRose5001 chapter 14 . 1/26/2012
I love love love this story! :D i'll be waiting for the next chapter to this! :)
Haytang chapter 14 . 11/30/2011
Hy there, just re-read the story for the xth time in 3 months, and, erm, I really, really like it, and... *puppy-eyes attack* Please update? ?
ani chapter 14 . 11/27/2011
just read this through and i gotta say i love it! bucking all the ficdom troupes itself is amazing; i love Quatre's persona, it's alot closer to canon than others, Duo being so innocent is alittle hard to get used to but it explains his persona better. Heero's near-innocence is really cute and funny.

i like the story so far, it's flowing well. got a few suspicions on who the lich is... kinda confused as to how he knows Heero. some of the pairings you've touched on i don't normally read so they feel off, but they work.

and gods, i'm as eager for the 1x2 as Duo! XDDD
suicidal-sinner chapter 14 . 5/26/2011
I hope there will be more of zechs. I think he would be a good character to be a little more active. I really enjoy your story and look forward to future chapters. :)
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