Reviews for An Object of Some Interest
Mari D chapter 1 . 5/16/2019
This is well written, I liked this a lot! I would honestly love to read more!
Paramoreisaband chapter 1 . 10/2/2013
Don't mess with Elizabeth Bennet! lol... That's what I love about her, she isn't afraid to say what she means and doesn't let anyone push her around- not even Lady Catherine, let alone Jack! (:
Givala chapter 1 . 4/8/2013

This is epic. Capitain Jack Harkness dancimg with Elizabeth Bennet!
Poor Darcy was beyond himself with jelaously.
Rose and the Doctor should have danced though ;)

Jack will forever be ,trying to seduce Lizzy,lol
You don't know who are you messing with,pretty boy!
Lizzy is a force to be reckoned with ;)

9! Oh, how I miss you :(
ChildofGallifrey7 chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
Jack would try to seduce Lizzie.

Lovely story.
zealousfreak27 chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
Wow! You write Jane Austen-speak very well. Of course, I was extremely impressed by the characterization and all that, but wow! the Regency era has never been expressed in the 21 century so well.
die-kokolores chapter 1 . 3/7/2012
Well I just thought I'd let you know, I'm reading Pride and Prejudice right now and I thought you're characterization and manner were great!

I loved this! It was very 'short and sweet'! chapter 1 . 11/25/2011
This is, to say the least, crossover GOLD.

Just brilliant!
RennFlight chapter 1 . 11/17/2011
Hilarious, and entirely realistic; the characters behave precisely as they would have in-cannon. Very well done.
Srebrna chapter 1 . 9/27/2011
Absolute gem :) I love Harkness (slightly out of his depth when dealing with Regency ladies) and Lizzy (setting him down nicely). Your language is most fitting - for both sides, and the whole situation - adorable. I envisioned Jennifer Ehle, looking with a small smile at John Barrowman and explaining him exactly what she thinks of him.
Killingmemory chapter 1 . 9/5/2011
Thank you for writing this! I really enjoyed the tone of Elizabeth's voice, and how in character they all were. I love these little slices of life, of "what-if" moments, where we see a glimpse of what could have or might have happened. Faved!
Haiza Tyri chapter 1 . 6/9/2011
This was charming and amusing. I was so glad when Lizzie gave Jack what-for. He annoys me. And I loved the Doctor's scolding of him at the end (and that you used the 9th Doctor, whom I love).

However I must point out that Pride and Prejudice takes place a good 15 years later than you've set it. A huge change in European culture took place in those years, so the difference is an important one.
JacquiT chapter 1 . 5/20/2011
I had just been thinking that I'd like to see a Dr. Who episode with Jane Austen, so came here looking for something like it and find myself quite satisfied with your story! Very well done! I loved it. Everyone's character is spot on, and your writing is fluent and beautiful. Thanks for the glimpse of the Doctor and Lizzy!
SerenBex chapter 1 . 4/13/2011
I love this... Jack and Lizzie Bennet would never work out, but the idea of them is so interesting! Trust Jack to do something like that and mess up!
xBarelyGeekyx chapter 1 . 3/27/2011
Bravo to you for keeping everybody so wonderfully in character. :D I was a bit worried about Lizzie there in the beginning but you squashed my doubts. _ I also love Darcy's approval in the end. Wonderful story! :D
xBarelyGeekyx chapter 1 . 3/27/2011
Bravo to you for keeping everybody so wonderfully in character. :D I was a bit worried about Lizzie there in the beginning but you squashed my doubts. _ I also love Darcy's approval in the end. Wonderful story! :D
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