Reviews for The Good and The Bad
Bevey99 chapter 26 . 5/26/2018
Oh wow this is a surprise. I thought there was one more chapter. Any who - it was a mighty fine read. Looks like I have some reading to do. I'll be starting the sequel maybe tomorrow. Thank you both for writing. And, I really loved these characters.
Bevey99 chapter 18 . 5/26/2018
Oh my...
Bevey99 chapter 8 . 5/25/2018
Awe. But Ed's dad not so much.
Bevey99 chapter 7 . 5/25/2018
Well that was warm and yummy. plus they're starting to get chummy.
Bevey99 chapter 2 . 5/24/2018
Late to this little but it's really got potential. Liking it so far.
ChristyWIX chapter 26 . 5/12/2015
Off to the sequel . . .
ChristyWIX chapter 25 . 5/12/2015
I really like that description of her apartment, it sounded very cool. I'm glad she took the time to listen to Edward. It sucks that he didn't go immediately to Bella and talk to her from go. Right when his father said that to him. It could've avoided all of this. I would've said that in my review if I wasn't so cranky from the chocolate in my peanut butter. Now, he has to gain her trust back and it wasn't even him that did this to them, it was that asshat father of his. Charlie a FBI informant, I love it! The fact that she took him to the airport, got out of the car and hugged him, saying she'll miss him . . . gives me hope for them.
ChristyWIX chapter 24 . 5/12/2015
Same review . . . sooooooo much drama . . . toooooo much drama . . . ugh! Except, I did like her tattoos in each countries language.
ChristyWIX chapter 23 . 5/12/2015
Soooooo much drama . . . toooooo much . . . ugh.
ChristyWIX chapter 22 . 5/12/2015
This chapter and the last chapter have no business being in a humor/romance story . . . it should've been marked drama/romance. Now you have the two of them running off in separate directions. Argh! Bella off to Europe with Alice and Jasper. Edward off to be a robotic version of his father. Thankfully, not Carlisle, as that is Alice's dad. No way for them to speak to each other. Only more distance to make her believe what he said. I thought for a minute there that she was going to screw Jake. I hope like hell he didn't take advantage of her. I hope she doesn't start sleeping her way through Europe. We know Edward won't touch anyone, as he knows the reason for destroying her trust and heart.
ChristyWIX chapter 21 . 5/12/2015
Fucking Carlisle/Edward Sr., whatever his name is, as I don't think you mentioned it in this story, has no idea what makes his son happy. He just wants a clone of himself. He's never around anyway, so how would he possibly know what his own child wants. Blackmailing his son to do what he wants is a very sick thing. Not to mention illegal. That Bella believed him so easily, was a little scary. She must've thought all along that this would happen or, that she's not good enough or, that he's not good enough. Either way, it's a little bizarre. I hope that Bella figures out something is up, before too much time has passed.
ChristyWIX chapter 20 . 5/12/2015
It's so fun that they are insatiable like that. Funny that she's been buying more cleaning products to run around after themselves. I am getting so scared that Edward isn't going to UCLA. That his parents may put their foot down or, something to that affect. Again, not really that kind of story with this rating . . . but, it still makes me nervous none-the-less. Love that he's getting a tattoo. I'm thinking she just got his birthday on her boob.
ChristyWIX chapter 19 . 5/12/2015
It was really cool that you went back a little to recap the highlights for him in the beginning of this chapter. I liked that he was waiting for Bella, as I suspected, to spray she loved him first. Also, his hoping it would be the night they finally made love . . . fantastic! He was so on the same page as her and I loved it. Then . . . wow, him waking her up so he could have his way with her . . . and in that fuck hot position . . . so freaking hot! Having breakfast, the hike and the picnic together . . . what a great way to spend their day. JxA getting their freak on, trying to watch BxE getting it on in the woods. Nice try!
ChristyWIX chapter 18 . 5/12/2015
her dress sounded gorgeous! I loved that Charlie wanted to be there for this occasion. Making me wonder why Edward's didn't want them to swing by. At least his mom could've come over to Charlie's house. I'm sad for his mom, not his dad though. I thought the dinner, the four of them together, was sweet. Her letting him know exactly how she felt, that she loves him, then stopping him from saying it back, was kind of adorable. Then, the first moment he gets a chance, he tells her he loves her as well. We just knew he did . . . he was waiting on her. It was very smart of them to get each other off first. Otherwise, him making love the first time may have ended faster than it should have. They were wonderful together. What a great chapter.
ChristyWIX chapter 17 . 5/12/2015
My heart just exploded . . . him playing and singing for those sick kids . . . Bella having so much fun with it, that she was dancing with the children . . . BOOM . . . exploded. What a wonderful thing he does every Tuesday night. I'm so happy that Bella liked it. Seems like she may come by with him again. Then the lesson on Lola was really fun. I remember learning how to ride a bike . . . having that power and freedom. It's been so very many years since I've ridden, I would need lessons all over again. Thanks for the memories with that. Then the ride up to the cliffs for more schmexy times . . . she just couldn't keep her hands off him by that point. She must've been turned on something fierce. Really hot blowie scene. Yum!
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