Reviews for An Octopus's Garden, In The Shade
ryouko70 chapter 1 . 6/3/2015
This review is coming rather late, but had to write. This was very well written! Writing in 2nd person is very difficult, but you nailed it! This was a very sad, but beautiful story.
aSqueeIntheDistance chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
Excellent description of Nelson/HJ...Many fic writers ignore the fact that masochism hurts.

This fic is amazing. It describes the mental state of the characters and the tone of the GN. You are wonderful.


Mecha-Foot chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
Excellent. You've expanded on a strong theme in Watchmen, the idea that simultaneously every man and no man can be a superhero. Choosing Captain Metropolis, the idealistic one, the one who's in it to make the world a better place, to convey the slow decay of everything, of the team, of themselves, of the world, was the perfect choice, and you've nailed his voice. I liked his interactions with Hooded Justice.

I loved the part about Silhouette and the Comedian arguing over teeth in an ashtray. It shows just how off-kilter everything had become, because it's completely sick, but at the same time it's funny (especially when I imagined the Comedian punching a shark in the face.)