Reviews for The Kill Switch
john chapter 1 . 6/17/2015
Trondason chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
Damn, so far I have loved all your Prototype fics, and you even made me a bit sentimental to the crazy monster that is Green. What she wants above all is to have a happy family, and is hoping that Alex can get over her anger so he can come 'home'. Not evil. just different. a true Blue and Orange Morality.
Holy Crap chapter 1 . 11/19/2012

That hit me in so many places at once.

I think the slight disjointedness is good for it. It's all thought, so it gives it that haunting, stream-of-consciousness atmosphere.

OhGod, Dana- and Alex's dilemma about it, and Greene being all sdfwsnd fkl nfsgd g
You have reduced me to incoherence. It was beautiful. It was horrible. It was... it /hurts/.
Chaerod chapter 1 . 1/30/2011
I really liked this story, the way you explored his mind and showed his physical actions. And also the... Sterilization process. I thought it would work :(

Very good story overall. I didn't find it disjointed
Loki The Trickster Zoroark chapter 1 . 12/19/2010
Loved it.
Tsalagi Khan chapter 1 . 7/16/2010
This was absolutely perfect. I read it twice. I didn't read much Prototype fanfics, but the way you describe and your characteristics portrayal for your characters(Army of 2, included) is perfect. I can't find myself to say anything negative, just criticism in general to this stories. I would say make chapters, but these are enough in their own prime. Do you have more? Livejournal? What's your name on there?
I love cute things chapter 1 . 3/20/2010
Awsome!Where is the doctor in this? Did alex realy kill Dana? Whose instinct was it to tear Dana up? keep up)
AnonL chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
Oh, how I love your research into the molecular nitty-gritty. I think I learned a thing or two here. A squicky thing or two, but a lesson learned anyway.

Am also in love with your portrayal of a mind not completely in control of itself. Being that viruses don't really think, until they copy from more complex creatures, but even then, in the case of Alex, not like it was a very stable base to copy from. Even more, what it copied was accustomed to a single mind. You add more minds and thoughts, morals, opinions and probably more conflicting ideas, it all probably unglues a bit more. I'd say the virus is doing a really good fricking job just putting up appearances of humanity and logic. What's even worse is that you're drumming up a lot of sympathy votes from me on Alex's behalf.

As for water's effect, I hadn't really thought of it. Just figured he didn't like the whole underwater sneaking thing. Nothing really seems to hurt him. Slow him down, maybe. Irritate him, definitely. Cross' electric whatever he used seemed pretty effective at the time. Slowed him down at least, maybe even changed the trajectory of a flying elbow drop.

And Dana. Yeh. Sympathy for her too. With a healthy dose of Mercer's disbelief at what (seemed to/I hope didn't/might've) happened to her. I wonder if Zeus' protectiveness of Dana that Alex never seemed to have might've been some extension of the biological imperative. She was genetically close enough, and your logic of sterility induced by the infection made it seem a little moreso. Keeping Dana alive could conceivably carry on the family line. Still.. the protection comes across a little more fraternal, rather than oedipal. (Which is good.)

You know what, you depressed me. Kudos on well writing. I think whatever disjointed writing happened here served well to show the instability of all viruses involved, making the whole shebang very believable and immersive. Yeh... /ramble
glenarvon chapter 1 . 1/22/2010
Very well written story. It's rather a pity you won't make it a longer piece.

I like your portrayal of Mercer and his insanity, especially in light of how stupid it actually is to measure the relative sanity of a virus.

I love this.
Naniris chapter 1 . 1/16/2010
PM to Fellow Sufferer added as a review for any reader with similar thoughts.

I wouldn't describe water as a weapon, more of a deterrent. In my fanon, it spreads the biomass apart just like if you had a container with a light oil an add water to it. The oil clumps up in globs and eventually rejoins together while in the water, but it still broke apart and setiently that might be traumatizing but it isn't deadly. So, yeah, after the nuclear explosion he was more of an oil slick in the water till he reached land and could reform after feeding.

Best reason I could think of since canon states that Mercer won't cross large bodies of water and he skips right out sea water, just as quickly as he jumps out of the lake in central park, so it's not high levels of salt that get to him. I could find plenty of scientific reasoning for excess salt or lack there of, causing problems with osmoregulation through celular walls with a high level of permeability. Cytolosis in fresh water and plasmolysis in salt.

It certaintly isn't common in viruses, since they tend to be hydrophilic and thrive in watery conditions like the hunters in the water tanks. But hey, maybe if a firemen had blasted Mercer it could have been a short game of water guns.

Thanks for the well thought-out review. It's comments like yours that really fuel the creative process.
Fellow Sufferer chapter 1 . 1/16/2010
What a mess. A human disfigured by a virus, and a virus disguised as a human, both monsters. And, with Blackwatch leadership gutted, most of people responsible - or even aware - of its activities consumed by Alex or killed, it seems like humanity is in for a bleak few years at the very least. If Greene decides to lay low and wait for the lockdown to end (and if she can't escape regardless), and Alex likely following her, will there be anyone who can stop them?

I don't know if I quite agree with your water explanation (I mean, the best weapon against a creature who took a nuclear blast - and took a plunge in the sea afterwards, I would assume - is a fire-hose?), but at least you did give one; I really like that you try to explain little nuances of game mechanic, like Alex's rages (really players feeling bored and wrecking the hell out of Manhattan).

Great stuff.