Reviews for The Marks of Resistance
tabby1249 chapter 1 . 1/17/2011
Do you remember the scene in season one in Merlotte's when Jason comes in with Amy and she is explaining the food chain and interdependence to him? Jason listened to her and then commented in absolute wonder that he would like to "lick her brain." Without sounding too much like a stalker, I can honestly say that reading your critical analysis makes me feel like licking YOUR brain. Thyra10 was absolutely correct when she said that you had truly mined the CH novels for the proof text to support your valid and insightful analysis. I doubt CH has analyzed her own characters as deeply as you have.

I have not read all of you work yet, but would be interested to read your analysis of Bill. I find him to be a very complex character and would love to hear what you have o say about him. As always, reading you is a pleasure even at times when it makes me sad. Thank you for sharing your considerable talent.

fffbone chapter 1 . 11/24/2010
They are so much alike. Eric understands what she's feeling.
EricBonesVladCurran chapter 1 . 3/10/2010
Such a sweet story. I think you did an excellent job exploring Eric as well as his interactions with Sookie.
Aphrothena chapter 1 . 3/8/2010
This explains why Eric can never be VIOLENT and DOMINANT over Sookie as other writers insist in their stories. With his experience with Appius, Eric refuses to control and break humans and vampires extremely and violently.

I'm GLAD that Sookie is hopeful in trusting Eric to revive her SELF-WORTH.

I'm grateful that you wrote this EXPERTLY...
radiate689 chapter 1 . 2/23/2010
good points
TekniCAL chapter 1 . 1/26/2010
Thought this fit in lovely with Book 9 and what has been released for 10; and your own stories. Nicely done! :)
Duckbutt chapter 1 . 1/18/2010
Wonderful analysis from what you've gleaned from the books! I agree and I know that CH was the victim of rape -don't know details, but she has disclosed this. I wish she would explore this whole avenue in the books -because Sookie only mentioned Barlett briefly and never mentioned the trunk incident (Alcide had to verbalize it as Sookie didn't want to face it) and of course, how Eric was abused by his Maker...yup, if anybody understand what Sookie has faced, it would be Eric. Wishing them both Sexual Healing...

scattered21 chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
P: Dare I say it? 'best chapter, ever'

Wow, this one is definitely my favorite. Yes, yes, yes.

I think I love it because your Sookie really has loosened up in her thinking. She's focused on Eric, not on her (very legitimate) hurts, and draws together all that we've instinctively picked-up throughout the series: Eric is a decent guy who just happens to be a murdering Vampire. Right now, I cannot recall how many, if any?, Humans he has killed. I'm almost wondering if he has killed a Human? Hallow was broken by Pam, but who actually killed her? Does Eric say in Book 9? (I've read so damn much FF, I'm sorting through the 'wrong' stories in my head, searching for Eric-victims...)Hm, it may be a hopeless question on my part; but, of course, you will know the answer. :-D

At the end of the day, I just want my own Eric; AH, Vampire, Other, I don't give a shit. Just give me one, okay? Can you arrange that? If so, send me a PM and we'll work out the details. What's the currency conversion rate these days?

Hugs, Michelle
KricketNorthman chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
I really loved this, and I'm so glad you wrote it. Eric is such a remarkable character considering all that he's been through in such a long life. How amazing that he and Sookie are similar in so many ways, considering the marked differences of their beings. They both yearn for being able to control their own lives, and I think they each want that for the other. I hope CH allows them to bring healing to each other and for however long it lasts the chance to know shelter and love in each other. Great work!
judeklr chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
Very nice. As always your thoughts make perfect sense.
Kitchycoo chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
Very nicely written, I really enjoyed your take of Eric. Very close to CH herself. Well done.
onefee27 chapter 1 . 1/16/2010
I really liked your take on that! I can only hope Charlaine's is similar!
Fanvamp chapter 1 . 1/15/2010
Wow, that was fantastic. It really got into the mind of where Eric is coming from. Thanks...great writing
AmaZen chapter 1 . 1/15/2010
Wow, that was beautiful - thank you!
worthfighting4 chapter 1 . 1/15/2010
Love it~! What a great look at why Eric is they way he is...

Thanks so much for writing it!
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