Reviews for Heart and Soul
Ryan chapter 1 . 7/16
I have read this story once, and it was an epic. But just as I've read the Silmarillion, I never will again. It's verbose to the point of being dreadfully boring. A second read would be a chore. The writing leaves nothing to the imagination, make of that what you will. I thank the writer for this great work.
Guest chapter 81 . 7/13
Great story
Robby the Cyber Warrior chapter 2 . 7/5
Someone who acknowledgs Ron possesses both positive and negative traits while being a well mentioned individual at his core, huzzah! It's almost always one extreme or the other when it comes to Ron in this fandom, at least on this site, and it can get maddening not seeing someone acknowledge that he's just a human teenager, with all the faults and troubles that come with that time of your life. I hate watching characters I grew up with being reduced to such one dimensional ideas
NPGamer11 chapter 31 . 7/4
I will admit my immaturity. I laughed at the "succulent nuts" like.
Jtf0012 chapter 5 . 6/29
Omg I was not expecting that. I thought that Serius was going to anounce that Harry is his heir and that would allow for hermione to join.
StonerMcWeedPot chapter 3 . 6/26
Damn these chapters have been satisfying to read.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/23
It took me a while to figure out why the writing of this story just wasn’t connecting with me, but I think I have now deciphered the cause(s). Firstly, the writing itself is a little overwrought, the narration is just a tad too dramatic for the mundane nature of what’s actually going on. Secondly, the fact that everything Harry encounters in the new direction his life is perfect, literally down to the exact nature of dinner conversation, is more than a little overdone and simply doesn’t come across as believable. Finally, I at least just don’t feel any kind of emotional connection with the writing, it’s all technically fine, but it’s also somewhat antiseptic. I have hopes that things will improve as the story progresses, as apart from these minor points I’m greatly enjoying it, but at the moment a lot of the digressions feel like the author deliberately pointing things out to explain or criticise rather than feeing authentic by the characters.
dum as a door chapter 7 . 6/21
what the f*** really thats what makes you so smart, that idea? its a good idea maybe but you dont have to be so smart to think of it
marvinkitfox1 chapter 58 . 6/13
What use protecting an Ancient manor like the Greengrass home, when the wards fall in LITERALLY SECONDS?
Earlier in this story much talk is made of the strength of wards, especially when they are generations old. Greengrass manor is held up as an example of such.

Yet when they get attacked, Greengrass has only time to:
Share a worried look with his wife,
say "take shea and go to the warehouse, while i make sure the house-elves get out" to his wife
she replies, and as he is busy replying back, the wards fall.

that's what... 3 seconds? 4?

So much for the vaunted "ancient, multi-generational wards"!
marvinkitfox1 chapter 44 . 6/12
Hermione to Harry "And with the club you refused to even hear us state our opinions"

No sorry girl, but if you think that you are lying to Harry, and possibly to yourself.
You *did* get a chance to state your opinions, and ignore Harry's. Repeatedly.

You took the idea of the defense club and you shoved it down Harry's throat repeatedly, forcibly, until he choked on it and gave in purely to get away from the pain you were causing your relationship.

There is a word for what you did to, the technique you used to convince Harry to support the club. You *raped* him. Of his choice, of his opinion, and for a while there of his self-worth.

Don't go and pretend now that *Harry* was the bad guy in that exchange!
Pteaset chapter 31 . 6/11
If you bother checking updates or reviews anymore but because of the quarantine I’m running out of stuff to read and this has been one of the best Harry Potter fanfiction’s I’ve read in quite some time
marvinkitfox1 chapter 14 . 6/8
The way you are playing Apologist to Snape is **disgusting**

Snape tells al his students they require an "O" on OWLs to continue with their NEWTS.
But you have Dumbledore saying that he ensures that rule is not applied? SO FUGGING WHAT!?
If the students neever learn that they are allowed to continue to newts, because their professor has explisitly, releatedly told them tey cannot, then they WIL NOT apply for it. Thus dumbledore's intervention amounts to squat!

Snape *repeatedly* shows criminal disregard for the health and safety of his students.
A simple example: When Draco hits Hermione with the "densaugeo" spell, causing her teeth to grom *past her chin, and still growing!*, he refuses to acknowledge it. That sort of tooth growth can easily kill one. (just google pictures of rabbits with overgrown teeth. often pictures of *corpses* of said rabbits)

And yet you write a long monologue by Dumbledore, where he criticizes HArry for alowing *fleur* to complain about Snape's treatment in class!?
marvinkitfox1 chapter 11 . 6/7
I'm so glad, you discovered the, use of, the comma.
This is such, a versatile form of, punctuation that everyone should use, more.
marvinkitfox1 chapter 7 . 6/7
dumbledore: "...and crouch jr. were easily convicted. They still reside in Azkaban to this day"

Oh dear..
I though this story was canon, up to the dementors-at-Harrys-house incident.

If Crouch Jr. is still (believed to be) in Azkaban, then this is a serious alternate timeline with a divergence *much* earlier than I though.
Ksusha Strit chapter 1 . 6/2
Dear author, your story is very cool. I would very much like to translate it into Russian. Do you agree?
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