Reviews for Dark Side of Light
piesnmints chapter 25 . 7/18
I am not at all sure if this account is still active, considering it has been 7 years, but I just want to commend you on this excellent written story. The darkness, the humor, the sensuality, and the mystery is all that I look forward to in FanFiction Amazing and worth the read. I hope you are doing well and another congratulations from me! Thank you so much.
FleshofMidnight chapter 8 . 6/22
This chapter is fantastic and filled with longing.
FleshofMidnight chapter 6 . 6/22
This whole story is so sensual! I love it!
amourdiamante chapter 15 . 5/22
I understand now why this had to have its own chapter. I'm just really shocked I guess. LIKENI DID NOT EXPECT THAT. Like this is really dark. And now I'm gonna eat dark chocolate so I can process this.
amourdiamante chapter 14 . 5/22
Christine staring at Erik's [redacted] is a very vivid image. I applaud you, you tease.
amourdiamante chapter 11 . 5/22
"Were she perfect, she wouldn't have wanted him and all of his dark splendor in the first place." I LOVE THIS! It hits the nail on the head on why this story exists! It explains dark!Christine even more and it ties well with what she did (for example) with those two soldiers. Also I never would've imagined that Erik could change his love for Christine. It goes against of what usually happens in fanfics. It's exciting (I think omg)
amourdiamante chapter 9 . 5/22
I'm captivated by their interactions and their conversations. *dreamy sighs* Also it's endeading to watch them dance around each other.
amourdiamante chapter 8 . 5/22
Did she just cockblocked him LMFAOOOO they're both hopeless
amourdiamante chapter 6 . 5/22
This chapter unlocked a new realization in my head. Like "Oh, shit." They *are* the same. They both face the same insecurity and and fears in facing the world. Like that is such a good parallel that ties them together. Wowowowowow.
amourdiamante chapter 1 . 5/22
Holy shit. First chapter and already there's so much depth in a few sentences.

"His face… It always came back to his face. He saw it as his only flaw…"

And I particularly liked that she thought that both of their lives rested on her answer. It's a perfect description.

Damn this is a strong introduction.
800339173 chapter 9 . 4/11/2019
So good. Like seriously.
800339173 chapter 8 . 4/11/2019
This chapter is always amazing to me. This is my third time reading this but my enjoyment hasn’t diminished. I pray that you one day return to FFN and continue writing your beautiful stories
800339173 chapter 25 . 12/7/2018
God this is so amazing. Such a haunting reweaving of the story. I love this so much. Ugh. I wish I was more articulate so that I could properly review this but I am not. I can only come up with ‘ugh’ as the most accurate representation of my emotions. UGHH. So good. Ugh.
800339173 chapter 19 . 12/7/2018
My heart.
800339173 chapter 18 . 12/7/2018
I love this soo much. This is so good.
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